Help in the household? Support from the spot

Families, singles, senior citizens, regularly or sporadically: everyone benefits from household-related services.

Household-related services are becoming increasingly popular. Our service agency �Vom Fleck weg� provides support for every need and creates secure working conditions.

Whether it's help in the house and garden, family care or everyday care for senior citizens: Household-related services are in vogue. Around 10 percent of private households already employ domestic help and use the time gained for professional projects, care work or relaxation. The number of interested users will continue to rise due to demographic change, the increase in single households and the ageing of society.

Source: Prognos

Service agencies bring benefits for everyone

To date, a large proportion of household-related services have been provided illegally. This often seems cheaper for the client. Many people shy away from the effort of registering domestic help, especially if they only use household-related services irregularly and on a small scale. A service agency such as �Vom Fleck weg� is the ideal solution here, as it also takes on tasks for a few hours or on an occasional basis. It combines various jobs into one employment relationship and creates fair job prospects. Users receive the right support for every need and do not have to worry about formalities.

Our employees are trained in housekeeping and everyday support, are permanently employed and are partly funded as part of the "Participation in the labor market" program. We create jobs for them, most of which are subject to social insurance contributions, with vacation entitlement, continued pay in the event of illness and substitution arrangements, as well as close support and regular training. As an employer, we combine various jobs into one employment relationship and help people to build a career perspective. Through your assignment, you make an important contribution to participation in the labor market and ensure greater fairness in this field of work.

Household help and everyday assistance: our service agency �From the spot�

The pme service agency �Vom Fleck weg� is open to a wide range of target groups, whether families with children, senior citizens, people with disabilities or singles. We currently operate �Vom Fleck weg� at several locations and are working hard to be able to offer you this service nationwide soon. You can find more information here.

Deducting household-related services from tax

What many people don't know is that you can deduct your expenses for household-related services from your taxes. Every year, you can claim 20% of the actual costs up to a maximum of €20,000 against tax. On balance, a deduction of up to 4,000 euros per year is possible.

The requirements for this are that the services must be provided in the home or on the property and would otherwise be provided by household members. This includes basic cleaning of the home, cleaning of walkways and winter services, janitor services, gardening, childcare at home, pet care, care of a relative in need of care or assistance (even if the service is not provided in the person's own home but in that of the relative). You will need an invoice as proof of the expenses, which must be paid by bank transfer.

Settlement with health and long-term care insurance companies possible, if applicable

We are actively working on cooperations with cost bearers such as long-term care and substitute health insurance funds in order to be able to offer our services to low-income households �for example, by being recognized as a provider for support in everyday life or for respite care. Our service agency can also take on family care assignments that are paid for by the substitute health insurance fund.

Passion and the personal touch: a portrait of our team members

Our team members are passionate about helping people with their household chores and everyday life. The personal touch is always important to them.

I love helping older people who find it difficult to go shopping or clean their own home, or who simply need someone to be there to listen.
Hendrikje, �From the spot� Leipzig

Older people in particular often struggle with household chores. I can make their everyday lives easier through my work for �From the Spot�.
Franz, away from the spot� M�nchen.

I really enjoy doing something meaningful and helpful and being able to help people with a lot of freedom and support from colleagues. I can contribute a lot of my experience here, e.g. in the medical sector.
Miriam, �From the spot� D�sseldorf