The BEM helped Sandra Schulze back to work after being off work due to Long Covid.
Company integration management helps people back to work after long periods of absence due to Covid.
Long Covid patients are on sick leave for up to 105 days on average. Company integration management helps employers to reintegrate affected employees back into the workplace after a long period of absence.
Sandra Schulze*, 42 years old, IT specialist in a medium-sized company, is affected by Long Covid. A Covid disease with an initially moderate course in November 2021 changed her life abruptly. Tiredness, difficulty concentrating and muscle pain have been daily companions in her job and private life ever since.
The journey to the shops or to work became torture for her: loud voices, the bright lights in the subway, her constantly ringing phone, the exhausting video calls - the simplest tasks were exhausting and almost impossible to cope with. Her GP pulled the ripcord and put the project manager on sick leave.
After six weeks of incapacity for work, the employer offered her the company integration management program.
The BEM process is a legally binding standard procedure in accordance with SGB IX §167 , which serves to reintegrate employees after a long period of incapacity for work. It is carried out if a sick employee has been unable to work for at least six weeks in a row or in total within a 12-month period.
This is intended to support the return to work, prevent a renewed incapacity to work and maintain the job.
Christiane Weidemann, BEM consultant at pme Familienservice, has already managed several Long Covid cases:
"Around one in ten people who are infected with the coronavirus still have symptoms weeks later. The variety of symptoms makes it difficult for those affected and many doctors to recognize a long Covid illness. They may also feel ashamed and guilty towards the company or colleagues because they are no longer able to perform their work at 100%. It is therefore important to take those affected seriously."
The BEM process is clearly structured: "First, we contact the person concerned and offer a non-binding consultation. In this meeting, we provide information on fundamental questions about the BEM, e.g. the legal basis and data protection, as the consultations are subject to confidentiality. Unless the person concerned agrees to the manager, the works council or other persons being involved," explains Christiane Weidemann. "After this initial information meeting, the employee is free to decide whether they want to take part in the BEM process. If they decline, the process is complete."
Sandra Schulze opted for the BEM process and also decided to involve her manager directly. After an initial meeting with the BEM expert, she quickly realized that she was in good hands. "I felt understood by Ms. Weidemann right from the start. She took me and my concerns very seriously and immediately showed me various ways in which I could improve my health situation. She also helped me to find suitable doctors with Long Covid experience and to apply for rehab. We also discussed a suitable re-entry strategy with my employer. This strong support gave me a good feeling".
After a good eight months, Sandra Schulze was finally able to return to work and gradually increase her working hours - thanks to lots of short breaks, a tandem project partner who relieved her of a lot of extra work, close coordination loops with her boss and a limited number of virtual meetings. She was also able to take advantage of various relaxation programs through her employer, which helped her to continue to strengthen her health after rehab. She still suffers from milder symptoms today: "I can only concentrate fully on my work for a few hours a day. I usually work from home, as the journey to the office is simply too strenuous for me on some days. Unfortunately, the headaches are still a daily companion, but they are much more manageable."
The support Sandra Schulze experienced from her employer is something she wishes other people with a similar fate could also enjoy.
*Name changed.