Jürgen Griesbeck from pme Familienservice has 9 tips on what employers can do.
Jürgen Griesbeck from pme Familienservice has 9 tips on how to deal with this insidious disease.
In times of an enormous shortage of skilled workers, companies should quickly and permanently create structures that protect employees from illness and help if the illness has longer-term effects.
Even if it is not the illness with the most days of incapacity for work (AU days) in German companies, the number of people suffering from long Covid syndrome is growing steadily.
More and more companies are reporting cases that can be attributed to this new disease. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that around 10 to 20 percent of Covid-19 patients are currently suffering from the long-term effects of the disease. According to estimates by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) at the end of May 2021, around 350,000 people in Germany are suffering from the consequences of coronavirus.
According to Techniker Krankenkasse's Health Report 2022, one percent of insured employees were officially on sick leave with long Covid in 2021. The low proportion of sick notes was offset by a very high duration of incapacity to work.
On average, Long Covid patients were unable to work for 105 days. In comparison: on average, each employed person was only registered as unable to work for 15 days in 2021.
Long Covid syndrome is now one of the chronic diseases.
According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), long Covid is when symptoms persist or reappear four weeks after infection with coronavirus. If they have not disappeared after three months, they are referred to as post-covid. The tricky thing about this is the wide range of symptoms associated with Covid-19, which can make life difficult for employees and employers alike. In addition to "fatigue" (severely limited resilience), these include memory problems, sleep disorders, coughing, muscle and chest pain and depressive moods.
This applies both to long Covid and - if the symptoms last longer - to post Covid. There may also be other symptoms that are difficult to cluster.
Employee and management trainer Jürgen Griesbeck from pme Familienservice has nine tips for companies on how they can help in the event of a long Covid case and protect healthy employees from the insidious disease:
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