Change in the law: what will change in 2024

These changes for employers and employees will come into force in 2024.

The year 2024 holds many changes in store for employers and employees. Read this article to find out what will change for you. As soon as a new law is passed or a change comes into force, you will find out about it here.

Increase in the statutory minimum wage

The statutory minimum wage will rise in two stages from January 1. The fourth minimum wage adjustment ordinance provides for the minimum wage to be increased by 41 cents to 12.41 euros per hour at the beginning of 2024. At the beginning of 2025, it is to rise by a further 41 cents to 12.82 euros. Around six million employees in Germany will benefit from the increase in the minimum wage. The decision is based on a recommendation made by the Minimum Wage Commission of employers and employees in June 2023.

Mini-job limit increases

The monthly earnings limit for mini-jobs (also known as the mini-job limit) is dynamic and is based on the minimum wage. If the minimum wage is increased as planned at the beginning of 2024, this will also have an impact on mini-jobs. The mini-job limit will then increase from 520 euros to 538 euros.

Minimum remuneration for trainees increases

Apprentices will receive a higher minimum wage in 2024, which training companies must guarantee them. From 2024, the monthly salary for apprentices will be 649 euros in the first year of their apprenticeship, followed by 766 euros per month in the second year. From the start of the third year of training, trainees will receive 876 euros and finally 909 euros per month in the fourth year of training.

Sick leave by telephone now possible

As the Federal Ministry of Health announced at the beginning of December, it is now possible for patients with minor illnesses to take sick leave by telephone. The first sick note by telephone can be issued for up to five calendar days. The rule is intended to help relieve practices, reduce bureaucracy and avoid unnecessary visits to the doctor.

Changes to child sickness benefit

During the coronavirus pandemic, the entitlement to child sickness benefit was increased from 10 to 15 days per year per parent. Single parents were entitled to 30 days of child sickness benefit instead of 25 days. As the special coronavirus rules expired at the end of 2023, the regular number of days of child sickness benefit per year would now apply again.

However, an increase in the regular entitlement to child sickness benefit has now been decided for 2024 and 2025.

According to the Federal Ministry of Health, in 2024 and 2025 parents will each receive


The total annual entitlement days per parent increase

New income limit for parental allowance

As the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs recently announced, there will be gradual changes to parental allowance from 2024.

Previously, parents with a joint taxable income of up to 300,000 euros and single parents with up to 250,000 euros were able to apply for parental allowance.

From April 1, 2024, the limit will be reduced to 200,000 euros. On April 1, 2025, the income limit for couples will be reduced to 175,000 euros.

In future, couples will only be able to receive parental allowance for a maximum of one month up to the child's 12th month of life. According to the report, there are exceptions for parallel receipt of Parental Allowance Plus, the partnership bonus and for multiple births and premature babies.

Child supplement increases to up to 292 euros per month

Since January 1, 2024, the child supplement has been up to 292 euros per month per child (previously up to 250 euros). It supplements child benefit and is additional financial support for working parents who can cover their own needs but not the child's needs.

Those who receive the child supplement are also entitled to benefits for education and participation and can be exempted from childcare center.