Break the "brooding cycle" by writing down positive thoughts.
When winter just won't end, it can really put a damper on your mood. In such phases, we often forget the positive moments that keep us going.
We would rather brood over negative things that have failed, upset or hurt us. However, positive thoughts are not only better for our well-being, they also help us sleep much better. Our health expert Petra Dinkelacker has a really good tip on how to change your mindset in the long term by writing down your positive experiences.
Writing things down can help us to better remember positive experiences. By writing things down, we can determine over time which approach helps us to develop things in a positive direction and which strategies we should develop in the future.
Think about three things and answer these two questions for each of them.
Make a resolution to practise this method for at least three weeks and write down your experiences. If it doesn't work on one day, don't put yourself under pressure. Revisit your thoughts later or skip a day. But keep going and flip back through your book from time to time to see what insights you can derive from it.
I wish you many positive thoughts!