These changes for employers and employees will come into force in 2025.
The year 2025 will bring many changes for employers and employees. In this article, you can find out what the changes are. As soon as a new law is passed or a change comes into force, you will find out about it here.
The statutory minimum wage was increased to €12.82 gross per hour on January 1. This means that the lowest wage threshold is 41 cents higher than in 2024. Around six million employees in Germany will benefit from the increase in the minimum wage. The decision is based on a recommendation made by the Minimum Wage Commission of employers and employees in June 2023.
The monthly earnings limit for mini-jobs (also known as the mini-job limit) is dynamic and is based on the minimum wage. The mini-job limit was therefore adjusted on January 1 and raised from EUR 538 to EUR 556 gross.
Since January 1, 2025, trainees have received a higher minimum salary that training companies must guarantee them. From 2025, the monthly salary for apprentices will be 682 euros in the first year of training, followed by 805 euros per month in the second year. From the start of the third year of training, trainees will receive 921 euros and finally 955 euros per month in the fourth year of training.
During the coronavirus pandemic, the entitlement to child sickness benefit was increased from 10 to 15 days per year per parent. Single parents were entitled to 30 days of child sickness benefit instead of 25 days. As the special coronavirus rules expired at the end of 2023, the regular number of days of child sickness benefit per year would now apply again.
However, an increase in the regular entitlement to child sickness benefit has now been decided for 2024 and 2025.
According to the Federal Ministry of Health, in 2024 and 2025 parents will each receive
The total annual entitlement days per parent increase
On April 1, 2025, the income limit for couples will be lowered to 175,000 euros.