Digital detox gives you more freedom and quality of life.
Making fewer phone calls, chatting or using social media less, consuming less digital media - these are all good ways to reduce the excess of stimuli. Digital detox is about creating a space for consciously engaging with digital consumption. If you would like to change something now, we have two detox stations for you.
�Digital detox� means taking a self-imposed break from digital media and screen use, especially smartphones, computers and television. A detox experiment can be an interesting experience and provide new insights.
Some people realize how much the digital device already seems to have grown on them and gain a new sensitivity for dealing with it. A digital detox is suitable, for example, as a weekend digital diet, comparable to fasting for a few days. However, if you want to achieve a good digital balance in the long term, digital detox will only be a small building block.
Screen-free time is a good start to a learning process that can lead to a new quality of life. If you start with digital fasting, you may initially experience confusing emotions, such as boredom or the fear of missing out. However, you may also feel a new sense of freedom, experience real relaxation or find the more personal interaction with others very satisfying. The fact is: those who digitally declutter gain a lot of time for sensual experiences and meaningful activities.
Making fewer phone calls, chatting or using social media less, consuming less digital media - these are all good ways to reduce the excess of stimuli. Digital detox is about creating a space for consciously engaging with digital consumption. If you would like to change something now, we have two detox stations for you.
Decide for yourself which media detox is more suited to your personal habits. Although the detox tasks sound simple, for some people they are much harder to stick to than new dietary rules, for example. This is because we often scrutinize our media consumption less critically than our eating habits. The point is to get a sense of how cutting out media feels and affects you. If you can't keep it up, just see it as an experiment. Maybe just try it again the following week?
Here you will find suggestions on how you can digitally declutter and become more aware of your media consumption again. Start with a short self-reflection.
On the trail of my digital consumption
Take 15 minutes and read through the following four questions one after the other. Try to remember different situations, e.g. during a project shortly before the deadline, during a conceptual phase, during a break, at home, on vacation.
You may find that you use digital media and devices more often than you thought to block out unpleasant emotions. By temporarily giving up TV, series or smartphones, you give yourself peace and quiet and time to find other ways to switch off.
Less smartphone use
Try fasting from smartphone use for a week. Proceed in a similar way to "real" intermittent fasting. Consider in advance which hours of the day your smartphone should be off and you cannot be reached: Is it more from morning until early midday? Or after work? Or do you want to switch off your smartphone for the whole weekend? Choose a suitable option. Start with a weekend day or try to stick to it for three to four days.
Watch less TV or series
Adults in Germany easily watch three or four hours of television a day. During the detox week, leave the TV, Netflix or YouTube off for at least two days. Try out what it's like to sit on the sofa and do nothing. Let yourself be surprised by what you experience when you are not looking at a screen. Some people who go on a media fast start doing arts and crafts or tidying up on the very first evening. If you notice that you have this creative energy, try going without your usual media evenings for a day or two longer.