Podcast: Get out of mental load

Episode 17: What is mental load? How does mental load affect relationships and mental health? What can help?

Organizing the doctor's appointment, planning dinner, doing schoolwork with the child: Mental load refers to the mental work and emotional burden of organizing, planning and remembering that often goes unnoticed, but is necessary for the daily functioning of a family household. It is usually mothers who suffer from excessive mental load. Why is this the case? And how do women get out of the mental load trap?

Patricia Cammarata was overwhelmed by mental load herself. She described the phenomenon in her book "Raus aus der Mental Load-Falle: Wie gerechte Arbeitsteilung in der Familie gelingt" and is a guest on Olli Schmidt's show today:

Find out more in episode 17 of our podcast series:

03:20 min:
What exactly is Mental Load?

05:07 min:
Why is Mental Load often referred to as a maternal problem?

10:20 min:
Tip: How can you make mental load visible? (Mental Load Test from Equal Care Day)

12:56 min:
How can we distribute or reduce the mental load in the family more fairly ?

20:20 min:
How can I address mental load in my relationship without ending up in recriminations?

23:17 min:
How does mental load affect mental health?

25:49 min:
The structural side of mental load: Figures on the gender care gap

29:25 min:
Why should companies concern themselves with Mental Load?

33:40 min:
2 tips: Getting a better grip on mental load

Cheerful to stormy - the everyday podcast

Welcome to "Heiter bis stürmisch" - the everyday podcast with Olli Schmidt. Cheerful or saddened to death: life has ups and downs.

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