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On this page we have compiled interesting press reports about our facility for you. We will also present new press reports on this page in the future.
March 3, 2020: Opening
https://www.butenunbinnen.de/nachrichten/gesellschaft/childcare center-walljunior-enterprises-skilled-workers-bremen-100.html
April 21, 2020: Corona emergency care
https://www.butenunbinnen.de/videos/childcare center-notbetreuung-coronazeit-100.html
April 28, 2020: Corona emergency care
https://www.sat1regional.de/bremer-expertin-fuer-fruehpadagogik-fordert-alle-kinder-muessen-in-die-childcare centers/
May 8, 2020: Interview CDU emergency care Corona
June 18, 2020: Interview Buten un Binnen hygiene concept during opening
https://www.butenunbinnen.de/nachrichten/gesellschaft/childcare center-corona-betreuung-regelbetrieb-eingeschraenkt-bremen-100.html
June 22, 2020: Apotheken Umschau
Here you will find a press report showing how we are currently implementing the corona measures in our company: