About us
We strengthen the work-life balance
of your employees.

Icon for heart & mind

Heart and mind
... guide us

We support our customers in all situations and strengthen the economic performance of companies.

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Icon for flexibility

... is our strength

We respond flexibly to our customers' wishes and find concrete solutions for a wide range of challenges.

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Icon for respect

... determines our work

Appreciation characterizes our dealings with customers, within our company and with people in society in general.

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Icon for further development

Further development
... is our claim

We are constantly developing ourselves and our products and support the progress of our customers and our company.

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Icon for trust

... is the basis of our work

We rely on the strength of mutual trust, both among our team members and with our customers.

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Icon for diversity

... we live

We respect differences and consciously promote diversity in our company as a reflection of a changing society.

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Icon for professionalism

... distinguishes us

We develop high-quality employee assistance programs and adapt internationally proven concepts for the German-speaking market.

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Icon for digitization

... is our opportunity

We see digitalization as an opportunity to strengthen interaction with our customers and continuously improve the accuracy of our services.

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Icon for employees


Employees can take advantage of our offer.

Icon for costs


are the average sickness costs per employee per year.

Icon for workshops, Seimare & webinars


Workshop, seminar & webinar participation.

Asset issuer


Foundation in Munich

1992 - The beginnings of the pme Familienservice Group go back to Gisela Erler. In 1991, BMW commissioned the social scientist from the German Youth Institute to develop a childcare model tailored to the car manufacturer's employees. Inspired by the American "Childcare and Referral Systems", Gisela Erler founded the "Kinderbüro" in Munich at the beginning of 1992, a consulting and placement agency specifically for the German childcare landscape.


Expansion in Germany, Austria and Switzerland

1993 - In the first few years, well-known companies such as Mercedes Benz, Deutsche Lufthansa, Commerzbank, Philips, Beiersdorf, Fraport Daimler Benz, Bosch and Landesgirokasse purchased the new service. The "Kinderbüro" set up branches in Frankfurt and Stuttgart. This was soon followed by Berlin, Hamburg and Cologne as well as cooperation partnerships in Austria and Switzerland.


Homecare eldercare and life coaching complement the pme range of services

1996 - In partnership with its customers, the pme Familienservice developed the Homecare Eldercare service to support employees and their relatives in need of care. This was soon followed by advice on conflicts, addiction, mobility and other life crises.


Out of its infancy: the children's office becomes the pme Familienservice

1998 - The company name "Kinderbüro" no longer covered the company's entire range of services. The company was therefore renamed "Familienservice" and finally transferred to "pme Familienservice GmbH" in 1998.


Opening of the first back-up childcare facility

1999 - together with Commerzbank AG, the pme Familienservice opened the first childcare center for exceptional cases in Europe - the "Kids & Co. Back-up". This is a flexible and short-term care service for working parents in exceptional situations. Today, pme Familienservice operates facilities throughout Germany - kindergartens, crèches, back-up facilities, family crèches and after-school care centers.


From a single source: pme becomes leading employee assistance provider

2003 - By offering income and budget advice and health management for corporate clients, pme Familienservice established itself as the leading all-in-one provider for employee assisstance in German-speaking countries.


Service portal Mein.Familienservice.de goes live

2008 - The public website www.familienservice.de was launched at the end of the 1990s to provide our customers with an overview of our services. With our customer portal Mein.Familienservice.de, we laid the foundation for a modern information and service portal in 2008, which was gradually expanded to include useful functions such as a childcare database, babysitter search, eCoaches and chat advice.


Relocation and concierge complement our personnel services

2012 - It was already common practice for many international companies to support their employees when they moved to another country for work reasons. But concierge services, such as ironing or shopping services, were also frequently found at US companies. At the request of some pme customers in Germany, we have therefore expanded our assistant services to include these offerings.


The pme Academy is born

2014 - For many years, experts have been offering lectures and workshops on childcare and care advice. However, our corporate clients needed a much broader range of information and training opportunities. That's why pme developed a wide range of innovative formats - seminars, coaching sessions and consulting workshops - on various topics relating to work-life balance. The cornerstone of our Work-Life Academy and was bundled under the independent product pillar pme Academy in 2014.


Video consulting and online coaching show the way

2018 - Many doctors, psychotherapists and social workers were very skeptical about the possibilities of location-independent face-to-face counseling via video chat. However, it was clear to pme that such consultation options could reduce the hurdles for many of our customers when seeking advice. In 2018, we therefore introduced an online counseling and coaching platform certified by the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians to give our customers another way to access our life coaching services.


Online childcare is born

2020 - As one of 3,000 innovative ideas that emerged out of the emergency of the corona crisis, our interactive online childcare was honored by the initiative "#beyondcrisis - time for new solutions". The initiative of "Germany - Land of Ideas" is the joint location initiative of the German government and German industry, represented by the Federation of German Industries (BDI).


Purchase of Mindance, the app for mental health

2021 - Digital solutions for preventive healthcare have been an important component of sustainable occupational health management programs, and not just since coronavirus. The pme Familienservice Group has been working for some time to create easily accessible offerings to promote physical and mental health. By acquiring the Mindance app, we are strengthening our offering for occupational health management and our position as a digitalization pioneer in the social services sector.


First Apple Distinguished School Certificate in Germany

2022 - First Apple Distinguished School certificate in Germany

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