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To the data protection settings "Campaign "Unspeakable? Cancer in everyday working life"
Cancer in everyday working life - a taboo?
Talking about cancer is difficult: anyone who receives a diagnosis has their life completely turned upside down from one day to the next. Suddenly there are countless doctors' appointments, fears, physical impairments, worries about social exclusion and financial strain. If, in addition to the illness, there is also the fear of no longer being fully operational at work, then this puts an unimaginable strain on the psyche.
With the campaign "Unspeakable? Cancer in everyday working life" campaign, we are putting the spotlight on employees with cancer and their relatives. We explain the challenges that this serious illness brings with it in terms of psychological stress, communication and financial and organizational aspects.
Max, Susanne and Michael talk about cancer
Articles, podcasts, interviews and more.
HR Forum: Unspeakable? Cancer in everyday working life
Virtual network meeting on 29.02.24, 2-4 p.m. With: Nicole Staudinger
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