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Results for "Employees"
DAK study: Three times more days absent due to mental health issues
In the last 20 years, significantly more employees*due to psychological
Time recording: Is the time clock coming back?
According to the ruling of the European Court of Justice, working hours must be systematically recorded for all employees in future. Companies with trust-based working hours are particularly unsettled. Does...
Time recording: Is the time clock coming back?
-- and employees. ... (4) Benefits in kind to the employee that go beyond ...
Middle class and family
A sympathetic ear - Our MAIV
The employee interest group (MAIV) is the bridge between employer and employee and stands up for the interests of its colleagues. The...
A sympathetic ear - Our MAIV
A sympathetic ear - Our MAIV
Sabbatical by law - a model for Germany?
12.01.2018 Sabrina Ludwig 5945 Discover foreign cultures, get socially involved, have more time for the children: One in two Germans would like to take a break from their job - often called a sabbatical...
Hey bosses, do you still have a job available?
(Berliner Kurier, 02.02.2017) The pme Familienservice and Berliner Stadtreinigung rated employees in Berlin, among others, as the best employers in the city. The result...
Hey bosses, do you still have a job available?
Employees who combine different types of mobility are classified as "multi-mobile...vari-mobile" and their health status is no worse than that of non-mobile...
Hey bosses, do you still have a job available?
Information on parental leave Parental leave gives employees... Employees can take parental leave at any time...
Middle class and family
Commuters - The price of mobility
22.08.2016 Kerstin Altrock 4178 Commuting long distances and constantly traveling for work: Flexibility has become the norm for many employees. But constant commuting can be at the expense of...
Study: When work causes anxiety
18.08.2016 Kerstin Altrock 1636 Some professionals think about their work with horror. This can develop into a serious illness. Rehabilitation psychologist and behavioral therapist Beate...
A sympathetic ear - Our MAIV
" A sympathetic ear - our MAIV The Employee Interest Representation (MAIV) is the bridge between employer and employee.
A sympathetic ear - Our MAIV
" A sympathetic ear - our MAIV The Employee Interest Representation (MAIV) is the bridge between employer and employee.
A sympathetic ear - Our MAIV
Operational risk doctrine: The employer is still obliged to pay if the employee is on unpaid special leave (e.g. unpaid...
A sympathetic ear - Our MAIV
Operational risk doctrine: The employer is still obliged to pay if the employee is on unpaid special leave (e.g. unpaid...
A sympathetic ear - MAIV
" A sympathetic ear - MAIV The employee interest group (MAIV) is the bridge between employer and employee.
Pension, child benefit & co.: Important changes for 2019
These are some of the changes that came into force at the turn of 2019. If you would like advice on these or similar topics, please do not hesitate to contact us. More child benefit from...
Take a break! - Career starters work restlessly
22.08.2016 Kerstin Altrock 4902 Relaxation at work - the internet is full of tips and instructions on how to stay productive with active recovery times. But things often look different in everyday life....
Awarded for the third time: pme Familienservice is Leading Employer 2021
(Berlin, January 08, 2021) For the third time in a row, the pme Familienservice Group has been named LEADING EMPLOYER 2021, making it one of the top 1 percent of the best employers in...
FOCUS study: pme is "TOP National Employer"
The work-life balance service provider receives the FOCUS "TOP National Employer 2017" award for its special working conditions.
Loneliness: "Most people find it difficult to ask for help"
People who commute a lot or work from home can become lonely in the long term. An interview with psychiatrist and psychotherapist Dr. Udo Wortelboer about loneliness.
BEM discussion: Practical experience report
Carolin Lang was unable to work for several months. To reintegrate into work, she went through the occupational integration management process - BEM for short.
Return & re-entry
Return and re-entry After the end of parental leave, employees have the right to return to work under the conditions that applied before parental leave. The more a...
Middle class and family
pme Familienservice is Leading Employer 2021
For the third time in a row, the pme Familienservice Group has been named LEADING EMPLOYER 2021, making it one of the top 1 percent of the best employers in Germany. This proves once again...
Laws and regulations
Laws and regulations A care situation often comes as a surprise and is associated with a wide range of legal and organizational issues. HR managers and executives are...
Middle class and family
pme Familienservice best employer for the third time
The pme Familienservice Group is number 1 in the 2016 FOCUS Employer Ranking in the "Health and Social Affairs" category for medium-sized companies.
What is BEM? - Procedure and advantages
Company integration management (BEM) is a complex process that pays off for employers and employees:innen . How you can implement BEM in your company...
Where is the pain threshold?
(Business Lounge Magazine, 26.10.2016) Companies with family-friendly structures have more applicants. This not only has advantages for employees, but also for...
Winning with parenting skills
A successful program is entering its second round: over 100 Bavarian companies have already taken part in this project and, together with the consultants from pme Familienservice and...
pme academy
Loneliness: the invisible danger
Chronic loneliness makes you ill and depressed. This also has an impact on job performance. How companies can support their employees - and what you can do yourself to prevent...
Psychoreport 2020: Focusing on the psyche
From 2000 to 2019, there was an overall increase of 137 percent in days lost due to mental illness. These are the key findings of the DAK-Gesundheit Psychoreport 2020.
Psychoreport 2020: Focusing on the psyche
serves a representative survey of employees conducted by the Scientific Institute of the AOK...On average, employees with mental health problems...
Campaign against fat discrimination
Very overweight people have a hard time at work. Not only are they often bullied by colleagues. The discrimination even goes so far that XXL employees are...
Absenteeism report: stress is not the key factor
12.10.2016 Gabriele Strasser 4204 Current study by the AOK in the 2016 Absenteeism Report shows surprising results and new perspectives for the discussion on presenteeism No, it's not the...
Back to office: "The old normal no longer exists"
During the lockdown, many employees have proven that they can do their work independently and reliably. There are strong arguments for continuing to work from home. But how will...
Care and work: companies often lack support services
16.10.2018 Sabrina Ludwig 4389 Relatives play a particularly important role in care. However, according to a study by the Center for Quality in Care, there are operational support...
Care and work: companies often lack support services
Employees who are constantly thinking about the beginning of the next month and how...Under what conditions are employees allowed to work in...
Care and work: companies often lack support services
Employees who are constantly thinking about the beginning of the next month and how...Under what conditions are employees allowed to work in...
Working TIME models
Flexible working time models - a brief introduction There is a wide range of flexible working time models. The models presented below show possible frameworks and are intended to provide ideas...
Middle class and family
What's new with minimum wage, mini-jobs and midi-jobs
The pme Familienservice is always looking for caregivers and domestic helpers for placement in private households. Register now!
What's new with minimum wage, mini-jobs and midi-jobs
Decision is based on a recommendation by the Minimum Wage Commission of employers and employees
Relaxed at work thanks to the best childcare - the pme Lernwelten
Relaxed at work thanks to the best childcare - pme Lernwelten Support with childcare is currently one of the most important demands of employees in Germany.
Relaxed at work thanks to the best childcare - the pme Lernwelten
Decision is based on a recommendation by the Minimum Wage Commission of employers and employees
Parental leave and parental allowance
" Parental leave and parental allowance Basic information on parental leave and parental allowance.
Middle class and family
Parental leave & parental allowance
Parental leave With the birth of a child, employees have a legal entitlement to a total of 36 months of parental leave, either as unpaid full parental leave or...
Debt: "We will experience a tsunami in 2022"
Short-time work, lack of mini-jobs: the fourth wave of coronavirus is causing financial difficulties for many employees, warns Berlin-based financial advisor Frank Wiedenhaupt. The good news: there are...
"Don't panic about the question of meaning"
Gisela Erler never had the dream of a great career. Looking back, she is all the more satisfied with what she has achieved. Helping others to make their lives better - that was her credo. What...
Health & advice
"In order to develop health measures that don't ignore the needs of our colleagues, we need a high level of participation," says Rachel Kallfelz. She is in the pme...
8 alternatives to a salary increase: benefits for employee retention
Benefits in kind, recreational allowances, social funds: employers can support their employees financially without increasing their salary. This has advantages for both sides.
Working hours report 2016: Overtime makes you ill
31.10.2016 Sabrina Ludwig 4216 Those who can organize their working hours flexibly feel healthier. However, just two hours of overtime per week have a negative impact on health. This goes...
Home office to combat commuter stress?
19.04.2017 Daniel Sebastian Erler 4373 The number of commuters and their journeys to work continues to increase. A sign of increased flexibility, but also a demonstrable burden on the physical and mental health of...
"Teams need meaningful service agreements"
How does digitalization affect the work-life balance? pme Managing Director Alexa Ahmad in an interview.
"Teams need meaningful service agreements"
Decision is based on a recommendation by the Minimum Wage Commission of employers and employees
"Teams need meaningful service agreements"
Decision is based on a recommendation by the Minimum Wage Commission of employers and employees
"Teams need meaningful service agreements"
. -- The employee must give seven weeks' notice of parental leave. seven weeks
Middle class and family
Effective: the mental health consultation in the company
14.02.2017 Daniel Sebastian Erler 3915 Long absences from work, inability to work and early retirement - mental illness often has serious consequences. Scientists at the...
What are the benefits of the Care Strengthening Act 2?
01.09.2016 Kerstin Altrock 6574 If you decide to receive care at home, there are a number of challenges to overcome. The Care Reinforcement Act II supports models of outpatient...
The business case for company childcare
A recent report by the World Bank shows that company-supported childcare pays off worldwide.
The business case for company childcare
"The employee is free to decide after this initial information meeting,
The business case for company childcare
"The employee is free to decide after this initial information meeting,
Care Strengthening Act II
" Care Reinforcement Act II Since 2017, the new law has improved the financial and organizational status of outpatient care models.
Change in the law: what will change in 2024
These changes for employers and employees will come into force in 2024.
Linde AG: The BEM process in a large corporation
The pme Familienservice supports employees:innen in getting back to work with the help of company integration management (BEM).
Linde AG: The BEM process in a large corporation
This gives the employeegreater flexibility
Middle class and family
Corona and loss of earnings: How you can save money
Basic income support, housing benefit, child allowance and more: the latest regulations and decisions on state subsidies during the coronavirus crisis.
Flexible work locations
" Flexible work locations The use of modern communication technology enables employees to work at flexible locations.
Middle class and family
SMEs: How to make yourself attractive to skilled workers!
01.09.2017 Sabrina Ludwig 8497 Occupational safety, DIN standards, work-life balance: molaris strengthens the health and safety of your employees. Are you an entrepreneur with fewer than 50...
Working with Long Covid: a case study
Company integration management helped Sandra Schulze back to work after a long absence due to Long Covid.
Working with Long Covid: a case study
Components of EA programs Many companies in Germany offer their employees...According to Booz & Company, company sickness costs per...
Flexible work locations
Flexible work locations - teleworking / home office / mobile office The use of modern information and communication technologies makes it possible to work at very different locations. Whether...
Middle class and family
Working models
Flexible working models - an introduction The optimal organization and use of working time and place of work can be decisive instruments for reconciling the interests of a company with those of its...
Middle class and family
What to do about Quiet Quitting?
There is often only a fine line between quiet quitting and inner resignation. Tips for employees and employers from business trainer Nina Lizon.
Productive but invisible? Working in the home office
While in some companies working from home is standard practice, other employers are still very hesitant on this subject. What is certain is that teleworking has a number of advantages...
Study: Compatibility 2.0 means more return on investment
A study conducted by Roland Berger GmbH on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ) shows that the "return potential of NEW compatibility" is up to 40 percent.
Part-time managers: "An eye for the unimportant"
Part-time leadership: How does leadership work without a permanent presence in the company? Interview with expert Brigitte Abrell.
Virtual teams: Successful leadership from the home office
Teams scattered across cities or continents, working from home: how do you lead virtual teams? What new skills and challenges does remote work pose for managers?
Virtual teams: Successful leadership from the home office
The more employees who grow up and demand new ways of working, the faster
Virtual teams: Successful leadership from the home office
updated Gallup study on employee retention found that only 15 out of 100 Federal Statistical Office, Wiesbaden (Microcensus 2015, Fachserie 1 Reihe...
Leading in absentia: Can you succeed in a top job part-time?
Part-time leadership: How does leadership work without a permanent presence in the company? Interview with expert Brigitte Abrell.
Interview: How leadership succeeds in times of crisis
Extreme situations require managers to rethink and act quickly. pme Regional Manager Carla Hees explains how she experienced the beginnings of the coronavirus crisis with her teams at three...
Interview: How leadership succeeds in times of crisis
Lecture Plus Career 55 plus - Deciding wisely for the future Employees
Interview: How leadership succeeds in times of crisis
Parental counseling of the pme Familienservice : We show employees and employees...n s e r v i c e . d e The psychological stress of...
What to do if a colleague dies?
When an employee dies suddenly, colleagues need help to come to terms with the loss. Psychosocial emergency support can help.
Pflegezeit und Familienpflegezeit
Care leave and family care leave The Care Leave Act, which has been in force since July 1, 2008, and the Family Care Leave Act, which has been in force since January 1, 2012, are intended to make it easier for working people to reconcile...
Middle class and family
Absenteeism: Those who feel a sense of purpose stay healthy
Those who perceive their work as pointless are twice as likely to be ill as others. But when do employees perceive their work as meaningful - and how can companies reduce absenteeism?
Absenteeism: Those who feel a sense of purpose stay healthy
Lecture Plus Career 55 plus - Deciding wisely for the future Employees
Absenteeism: Those who feel a sense of purpose stay healthy
their position in the company8. 47 percent of employees...The Caregiver Leave Act enables employees to take time off from...
Middle class and family
Absenteeism: Those who feel a sense of purpose stay healthy
However, employees often have to claim their entitlement to parental leave...For income-related expenses, the employee lump sum is...
Middle class and family
Absenteeism: Those who feel a sense of purpose stay healthy
Stress and conflict in the workplace is therefore a challenge for many employees
Absenteeism: Those who feel a sense of purpose stay healthy
Stress and conflict in the workplace is therefore a challenge for many employees
Absenteeism: Those who feel a sense of purpose stay healthy
Distribution of working hours requires a written agreement agreement between the employer and employee
Absenteeism: Those who feel a sense of purpose stay healthy
Distribution of working hours requires a written agreement agreement between the employer and employee
Absenteeism: Those who feel a sense of purpose stay healthy
Distribution of working hours requires a written agreement agreement between the employer and employee
Absenteeism: Those who feel a sense of purpose stay healthy
Distribution of working hours requires a written agreement agreement between the employer and employee
Absenteeism: Those who feel a sense of purpose stay healthy
The favorable working conditions retain employees in the long term... who, in addition to with the special needs of older employees...
pme learning worlds
Absenteeism: Those who feel a sense of purpose stay healthy
The favorable working conditions retain employees in the long term... who, in addition to with the special needs of older employees...
Bumble Bees I