Events 2021
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Events 2021
12.02. Carnival
23.02. childcare center closes at 3 p.m. due to further training
16.03. Parents' evening Schnoorräuber and Mühlenmäuse (17:30-19:00)
17.03. Parents' evening Werderfüchse and Hanselöwen (17:30-19:00)
22-26.03. Forest week Hanselöwen
01.04. Easter breakfast
19.04. Parents' evening Deichraupen (17:30-19:00)
20.04. Parents' evening Wallmatrosen and Weserpiraten (17:30-19:00)
14-18.06. Forest week Weserpiraten and Werderfüchse
02.07. Parents' afternoon (15:00-17:00)
16.07. Training for new team members (possibly limited operation)
06.08. Summer party
15.09. Parents' evening (17:30-19:00)
15.10. Lantern making (14:30-17:00)
04.11. Lantern walk (16:00-17:30)
06.12. St. Nicholas breakfast
Closing days
09.-27.08. Closing time (public pitches)
23.-31.12. Closing time (public and company pitches)