VA_93845 - AD(H)S in adulthood
Communication module
Calendar of events
AD(H)S in adulthood
Their CVs are long, and the time they spend at each station is usually only a few years. Partnerships may often be difficult and there are some changes. Your friends appreciate your absolute honesty, and if you can help someone, you forget your own issues. Mail often remains unopened, and when you tidy up, you turn the whole house upside down. You encounter a lot of interesting things every day and you find it difficult to complete something you have started. AD(H)S in adulthood has many faces! The good news is that there are helpful strategies for managing the symptoms you experience and even making use of them! In her presentation, AD(H)S expert Sabina Pahlke shows the special features of this disposition in an exciting and entertaining way and invites you to an online exchange!
Booking status: free
Date: 19.03.25
Event days: 1
Time: 11:30 - 13:00
Format: Lecture
Venue: virtual
Address: We will send you the access data in good time before the start of the event.
Booking number: VA_93845
Application deadline: 19.03.25
Costs: free of charge
Speaker: Sabina Pahlke
Medium: Internet
Subject area: Health management
Target groups: Employees of the contractual partners, employees of pme
Notes: The webinar will be recorded and will also be available as a video afterwards
Which e-mail address should I use?
If possible, please use your work e-mail address, as this will speed up the processing of your booking request.
You don't have a work e-mail address or can't use it? No problem: you can also use a private e-mail address to register - it may just take a little longer to confirm your request because a manual check is necessary in this case.