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To the data protection settings "Your BGM partner | Health management for companies
Your BGM provider
Health management
for companies
Our services
Our quality promise
30 years of experience in the operational context of employee assisstance. |
All-in-one solutions through connection to our Employee Assistance Program (EAP) |
Blended learning and coaching approach for sustainable health promotion. |
Your benefits of occupational health management
Holistic employee assisstance
with BGM 360°
Work:Life Magazine
More than 1,400 satisfied customers
That's what our customers appreciate about us.
Professional advice in the BGM process
We provide you with comprehensive support and advice throughout the entire OHM process from A to Z. Our OHM experts develop and implement measures for the successful health promotion of your teams and managers. Always in view: the interactions between body, mind, psyche and the respective life circumstances.
All-in-one: health prevention and EAP
With our team of health scientists, psychologists, certified BEM consultants and exercise experts, we are a certified "Top Brand Corporate Health" provider and one of Germany's best service providers in extended occupational health management.
We are the first choice for companies from all sectors. As the largest EAP service provider in Germany , we also support your employees in many crisis situations that go beyond pure health prevention.
Modern blended learning approach
Everyone has different prerequisites for staying healthy. Our offerings encompass the best of two worlds: the digital world, such as e-learning, online live courses and an online customer portal with podcasts, exercise videos and extensive information material, and the analog world, where we place particular emphasis on personal contact between customers and our OHM experts. This interaction enables us to implement effective and efficient measures.
Low-threshold health services
We are convinced that not only access to health services, but also the first steps towards a healthy lifestyle must be simple.
For this reason, all our offers are individually adaptable and combinable . We focus on inner motivation, concrete goals and the use of playful elements.
Holistic mind-body & soul approach
Body, mind & soul form a unity. Support your managers and teams with our holistic Mind-Body & Soul offer. For example, budget consulting can help to reduce mental stress and health coaching can help you to recognize your own strengths.
Arrange a consultation now !
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