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To the data protection settings "Care advice and placement for companies
Advice and placement
for your employees
Advice and help on ageing, illness and care
Our quality promise
Nationwide service, fast mediation. |
Individual case management including correspondence. |
Certified care advisors (§ 7a SGB XI). |
Work:Life Magazine
Give your employees the help they need
Knowledge and service portal
The information portal "Mein.Familienservice" offers your employees extensive information and materials for all situations in life, e.g. on laws and regulations for people in need of care, applying for care insurance benefits, adapting their home or searching for and selecting outpatient or inpatient care. With a large download area, video tutorials and e-coaching. Including individual start page with your employer logo. Optimized for all end devices.
24/7 hotline
With the anonymous 24-hour hotline for psychological help, you can support your employees in acute crisis situations. The hotline is available around the clock, 365 days a year. Your employees will be advised exclusively by pme Familienservice experts with an additional qualification in systemic solution-oriented counseling.
Solution-oriented consulting
Recognize obstacles, work out steps for change, develop new ideas for solutions: In our consultations and coaching sessions, we work according to the solution-oriented consulting approach. We offer your employees psychosocial support for all challenges related to caring for relatives, such as conflicts, stress and overload or difficulties in dealing with illness, disability and the need for care, especially in the case of dementia. We are certified in accordance with the guidelines of the German-speaking Society for Online Counseling (DGOB).
Individual placement
We relieve your employees of the time-consuming and difficult search for care solutions for their relatives in need of care and work with them to find viable solutions. Among other things, we arrange care and domestic staff, outpatient services and places in care homes or short-term and day care. We are there for employees in acute crises, for example when help is needed quickly after a fall. A particular advantage is the cross-location advice and placement service.
Individual and group coaching
Mutual support, cross-departmental or cross-company exchange: Through group coaching sessions, you create an exchange platform for managers and team members - accompanied by the expertise of experienced pme Familienservice coaches. Individual coaching sessions give employees the opportunity to look at their issues more individually and in greater depth with the help of a coach. Online or live: how it best supports your teams and employees.
Seminars and webinars
At the pme Academy, employees can find a wide range of specialist lectures, workshops, advice workshops and e-learning courses on all aspects of care and work. A selection: Care solutions, financing care, living in old age and ambient assisted living, pension provision, advance directives, dementia, disability, self-care for family caregivers and further training to become a company care pilot. We offer our services online or on-site, and are also happy to provide in-house training at your company.
More and more working people care
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"The homecare and eldercare services offered by pme Familienservice are very well received by our employees. They always find support and relief, even in difficult times."
Andrea Zibis & Co. KG
Personnel support
Rohde & Schwarz GmbH & Co. KG
Eldercare: Support your employees!
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