Vacation programs of the pme Familienservice

Calendar of events

Event search

  Few seats
  Waiting list
  fully booked
30.06.25 - 04.07.25
Are you in the mood for excitement, fun and games? Then let us surprise you with what happens during the week!

Booking status: free

Date: 30.06.25 - 04.07.25

Event days: 5

Time: 08:00 - 17:00

Format: Holiday program

Venue: Leipzig

Subject area: Childcare

For children aged 6-13 years

Booking number: VA_93649

Application deadline: 09.06.25

Cost: 99 Euro

Medium: Presence

Target groups: Employees of the contractual partners, employees of pme

04.08.25 - 08.08.25
Come with us on a search for clues!

Booking status: free

Date: 04.08.25 - 08.08.25

Event days: 5

Time: 08:00 - 17:00

Format: Holiday program

Venue: Leipzig

Subject area: Childcare

For children aged 6-13 years

Booking number: VA_96078

Application deadline: 07.07.25

Cost: 110 Euro

Medium: Presence

Target groups: Employees of the contractual partners, employees of pme

16.10.25 - 17.10.25
Days can be booked individually
Autumn is calling and winter is within reach...

Date: 16.10.25 - 17.10.25

Event days: 2 (days can be booked individually)

Format: Holiday program

Venue: Leipzig

Subject area: Childcare

For children aged 6-13 years

Booking number: VA_93647

Application deadline: 19.09.25

Cost: 40 Euro

including catering

Medium: Presence

Target groups: Employees of the contractual partners