VA_74930 - Training everyday help test group (LeSy)
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Calendar of events
Training everyday help test group (LeSy)
The course "Everyday help - care for people in need of care" deals with typical age-related illnesses, the basics of care insurance, behavior in an emergency and options for everyday care. The course is aimed at people who would like to work as everyday companions in accordance with § 45a SGB XI. In this first of three courses, you will learn everything you need to know about caring for your clients.
This is a test course that only covers a small part of the later content: Age-typical illnesses and emergency response.
Booking status: free
Date: 14.02.22 - 22.02.22
Event days: 73057
Time: Clock - Clock
Format: Training
Venue: virtual
Address: We will send you the access data in good time before the start of the event.
Booking number: VA_74930
Application deadline: 22.02.22
Costs: free of charge
Speaker: Jürgen Griesbeck, Carline Krügl, Paul Rathjen
Medium: Internet
Topic area: Homecare eldercare/dependency and care needs
Target groups: Employees pme
Further information can be found at
Which e-mail address should I use?
If possible, please use your work e-mail address, as this will speed up the processing of your booking request.
You don't have a work e-mail address or can't use it? No problem: you can also use a private e-mail address to register - it may just take a little longer to confirm your request because a manual check is necessary in this case.