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Diversity Days
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Our diversity campaigns
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The German Diversity Day takes place every year in June on the initiative of the Diversity Charter. We take part. Our activities at a glance.
6th Diversity: "Colorful Birds" - Most Beautiful Action Award
Our diversity film "Bunte Vögel" has been named the most beautiful diversity campaign 2018 by the Charta der Vielfalt!
You can read more about this project on our blog "Most beautiful diversity campaign 2018: 'Colorful birds'" and "Yes we can: How to win an award!". You can find all videos about the project in this playlist on YouTube.
5th German Diversity Day: Cross-generational teams
In our work-life blog, we introduced teams made up of experienced and young pme employees and also wrote various blog articles on intergenerational working.
On May 30, 2015, we sent a "Diversity Newsletter" to all pme team members. The idea for a reverse mentoring project with our young employee Benjamin Hendrik-Mahl, alias "DigiBen", was also born during this campaign. You can read a selection of the articles on our work-life blog here:
pme is young. Germany is ageing. Does that fit?
10 tips: Workflow in mixed-age teams
Interview: "They were just kids!"
Recipe: Hearty mixed-generation stew
4th German Diversity Day: Diversity webinars for our clients and team members
On June 7, 2016, we offered two diversity webinars, firstly a free webinar for our clients entitled "DiVUCAty: Commonalities of Diversity and the VUCA World" and secondly a nationwide webinar on the General Equal Treatment Act § 5 AGG for pme team members.
3rd German Diversity Day: This is how we live diversity! (June 09, 2015)
Action: How do we live diversity? The answer to this question was recorded in all locations in the form of a self-made video and formed the prelude to the company's strategy conference under the motto: Diversity@Corporate Strategy
2nd Diversity Day - "Hand on it!" campaign
This was the winning campaign in our company-wide vote for Diversity Day. Hands, colors and scissors flew in all pme locations and the pme learning worlds on June 3, 2014. They landed on a poster with an outline or landmark of the city in which the facility or location is located.
An overall picture was then put together from the individual works of art (picture above).
By the way: In Berlin, one person thought that the campaign had "hand and foot". Who can find the yellow footprint in the picture on the left?
1st Diversity Day - Email Flashmob
Cheerful, confetti, roast pork - that and much more came to mind on the subject of diversity. In 2013, the pme management team launched an email flash mob with the phrase "Everyone is different", in which team members from all locations took part. The result: a colorful diversity postcard.
Employee survey on diversity in the company
We took the signing of the Diversity Charter in 2012 as an opportunity to launch an anonymous survey among all employees on the topic of diversity. "It is important to us that the values of the charter are supported by all employees," says Darina Doubravová, who founded the diversity working group together with her colleague Anja Umbreit.
Contact Benjamin-Hendrik Mahl

Benjamin-Hendrik Mahl
Diversity management
Contact Janina Holder

Janina Holder
Diversity management