Information on in-service training in accordance with the QHB
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Since 2019, the City of Munich, in cooperation with the educational institutions Elly Familienbildungsstätte and pme Familienservice , has been offering the basic qualification for childcare professionals in accordance with the Qualification Handbook (QHB). From 2020, the basic qualification for childminders has been expanded to include an in-service qualification and upgrades the learning location "practice".
The background to this is the increased demands on contemporary early childhood education, the legal equality of institutional care and child day care, the support mandate, the increased expectations of parents, comparability of educational qualifications across the EU ...
Qualified childminders in Munich can take part in the in-service qualification if they are currently working.
This follow-up qualification comprises a total of 140 + 10 teaching units (+ 40 self-study units) and ends with a colloquium.
After successful completion, you will receive the certificate according to the competence-oriented quality manual for child day care (QHB) from the Federal Association of Child Day Care.
By participating in the basic qualification accompanying the activity, you can:
- Expand your existing skills profile,
- review and further develop the organization and structure of your daycare center and thus sharpen your own profile,
- systematically reflect on their pedagogical work,
- acquire up-to-date specialist knowledge,
- Revise/create your concept,
- refresh the theory/practice transfer,
- exchange ideas and network with colleagues.
We work in a very competence-oriented way, i.e. you contribute your practical experience. We combine this with relevant, up-to-date pedagogical, psychological and legal expertise.
In addition to the 150 teaching units and to deepen the content, at least 40 hours are set aside for self-study units in which you read specialist literature individually to deepen the content, exchange ideas with others (in learning groups), keep your learning diary and prepare for the content of the learning outcomes assessment in a colloquium. To do this, you will create a transfer report and revise your concept. Most participants do a lot more self-study units. We recommend that you discuss with your immediate environment whether and how you can receive support during this very intensive period of the course and how you can organize and plan everything (privately and professionally).
The assessment of learning outcomes at the end of the course consists of two parts. Both parts must be passed in order to receive the certificate. The content of the first part is a written transfer report (transfer of the content of the qualification into practice), which is submitted in advance.
The second part of the learning outcomes assessment focuses on dealing with challenging everyday situations. The participants orally analyze a dilemma situation from their everyday life - this part can also be prepared at home.
The continuous course support and CO instructor will accompany you during the qualification.
Our speakers are experienced in adult education and child day care. We bring in specialist speakers for special topics.
Participation requirements:
- Current activity as KTPP
- Interest in professional and personal development
- Willingness to self-study
Required documents and information:
If you would like to attend a training course with us, please write an e-mail to Barbara Paul(barbara.paul@familienservice.de) with
- Your full name
- Your telephone number
- Your address
- Mail address
- which course you would like to attend with us
and please submit the following documents to us:
- current care license
- Proof of successful completion of a qualification with 160 units according to the DJI or QHB curriculum or proof of completed pedagogical vocational training that has been recognized as a pedagogical specialist by the youth welfare office
- If available, your concept of your own daycare center (you will revise or create this during the course according to the current specifications of the training provider)
- in the event of a change of name (e.g. due to marriage). Copy of the identity card
You may be absent from class for a maximum of 10% (regardless of your reasons) in order to be admitted to the learning outcome assessment.
Course fee:
- 160 euros for childminders from Munich or who work in Munich
- 680 euros for childminders from the districts
pme Familienservice GmbH
Theresienhöhe 13a
D - 80339 Munich
If you have any questions, please contact
Alexandra Helmes
E-mail: alexandra.helmes@familienservice.de
Mobile: +49 (0)151 73014861
Barbara Paul
E-mail: barbara.paul@familienservice.de
Tel: +49 (0) 89 - 544794-27
Mobile: +49 (0) 151-58217506
We appreciate your interest and hope that we can accompany you in your professional development!