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pme Familienservice Münster
pme Familienservice Münster
You can reach us on weekdays from 8:00 to 18:00 on the following telephone number:
0251 - 703776 0
If all our advisors are on the phone, please leave a message and your telephone number on the answering machine. We will then call you back as soon as possible. Thank you for your understanding!
Of course, our employees also offer consultations and discussions outside the above-mentioned telephone consultation hours. Please arrange these individually with your personal advisor.
Our facilities "Zauberland " in Gütersloh and "Adventure Kids Münster" provide employees of our contractual partners who have purchased this service with highly flexible childcare solutions in the event of shortages. Please contact your employer to find out whether they provide these services. If you would like emergency childcare in your own home, please contact our specialist advisors directly with your placement request.
Back-up Adventure Kids Münster
Friesenring 50
48147 Münster
Phone: 0251 - 703 776 0
Zauberland - Back-up in the childcare center Ideenreich
Luisenstrasse 2
33332 Gütersloh
Phone: 0251 - 703 776 0
For emergency care for your children, you can contact our free emergency number 0800 80100 7080 at any time outside of telephone consultation hours, which is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
We look forward to your call!
Your pme Familienservice team Münster