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Diversity policy
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Diversity Policy
Our diversity policy
"Heart and mind" guide us and determine our diversity policy and our inclusiveness (inclusion management). We value and promote the uniqueness of every employee.
We can only be economically successful and fulfill our social responsibility if we use and promote diversity. This applies both to our team and to our clients and business partners. Inclusion management enables us to utilize diversity in our company on a daily basis and make it our strength.
The mission statement of the pme Familienservice Group forms the basis for our joint work.
Women. Men. All.
The pme Familienservice Group supports all people with regard to their individual work-life balance.
In addition, as a company with a strong focus on women, pme Familienservice is committed to increasing the involvement of men in social professions.
Ethnic origin and nationality
Intercultural. Fair. Open.
The pme Familienservice Group sees itself as an interculturally open employer. Here you will find people of many different nationalities and migration backgrounds.
In terms of language, this means for us:
The company languages are German and English with all the different accents and dialects.
All our employees must be able to communicate clearly, both verbally and in writing, but not without errors. This does not apply to all important documents such as contracts or tenders, where error-free expression is essential.
Religion and worldview
Interreligious. Considerate. Attentive.
We are interfaith as long as the human rights enshrined in the German Basic Law are respected.
As an employer, the pme Familienservice Group supports the practice of religion as far as possible. This is done, for example, by creating opportunities for prayer, offering a wider range of meals through component meals or respecting various religious festivals.
For us, openness also means that no one proselytizes for their own religion.
Sexual orientation
Fearless. Openness. Self-understanding.
The pme Familienservice Group creates an atmosphere in which everyone can be open about their sexual orientation without fear of discrimination or misunderstanding.
This openness is supported in all areas of the company by both employees and our customers.
Strength-oriented. Prudent. Close to life.
The pme Familienservice Group always endeavors to deploy its employees based on their skills and abilities. This also takes into account the fact that these can change in different phases or situations of life.
Our aim is to discover and develop the strengths and talents of individual employees in the context of personnel development and management in order to enable our employees to work in a healthy, motivated and committed manner over many phases of their lives.
For the pme Familienservice Group, this also includes the employment of committed people in retirement.
Development of potential. Safety. Team.
The pme Familienservice Group enables people with disabilities or restrictions to bring their special abilities and potential to the fore, to contribute and to develop. If necessary, a suitable workplace or working time model is sought together or work processes are optimized so that the employability of employees is ensured.
Contact Benjamin-Hendrik Mahl

Benjamin-Hendrik Mahl
Diversity management
Contact Janina Holder

Janina Holder
Diversity management