childcare center WallJuniors
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childcare center WallJuniors
Since September 1, 2018, our childcare center "Walljunioren" in Bremen's city center (Am Wall 172-173, 28195 Bremen) has been offering a comprehensive range of childcare services for working parents as an initiative of the Bremen Chamber of Commerce and the Senator for Children and Education for a total of four crèche groups with 10 places each and three elementary groups with 20 places.
The educational concept of the facility is based on the nationwide framework concept of the provider pme Familienservice Bremen gGmbH and was developed in close cooperation with the expert for early education, Dr. Ilse Wehrmann (Wehrmann Education Consulting). The educational work of the facility is continuously and practically evaluated and meets the quality standards certified according to DIN EN 1SO 9001:2008.
Opening hours:
- from Monday to Friday 07:00 to 17:00 (incl. early and late childcare services)
- are based on the needs of the parents and the participating companies of the Bremen Chamber of Commerce
- Very flexible childcare with year-round opening hours (with the exception of public holidays and 5 closing days per year, which are announced in good time in the annual planning (in January)
Detailed information on childcare center and the availability of company vouchers:
Website: https://www.familienservice.de/childcare center -walljuniors
Contact person:
Christopher Meyerdierks (facility manager)
Tel: 0421 - 16519322
E-mail: walljunioren@familienservice.de