Janusz Korczak

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Janusz Korczak e.V.

Social responsibility - Projects - Janusz Korczak e.V. (JKV), Hanover

"Every day, somewhere in the world, children and young people become refugees. Despite some adversities in Germany, many of these young people manage to find a place for themselves in society. We support them in this," says pme employee Jutta Meyer-Wiedenbach, a volunteer at the Janusz Korczak e.V. association.

"The volunteers from the Janusz Korczak e.V. association take on sponsorships and voluntary guardianships for young refugees, among other things. They also support them with the organization and financing of tutoring, monthly travel tickets or legal advice," explains Jutta Meyer-Wiedenbach.

She is currently the guardian of a young man from Eritrea. "It was particularly touching when the boy was finally granted refugee status after more than three years in Germany. This was preceded by a long struggle with eternal waiting times and a negative decision from the BAMF, which we finally successfully appealed against. When the decision became legally binding, the relief was huge. Security at last!"

Jutta Meyer-Wiedenbach is now working to enforce the teenager's right to be reunited with his family. She is also responsible for the association's public relations work. 

Donations are primarily used for the individual support of young refugees, especially for representation by a lawyer in asylum proceedings. 

Contact: jkvhannover@gmx.de