Leipzig crisis intervention team

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Leipzig crisis intervention team

Social responsibility - Projects - Kriseninterventionsteam Leipzig e.V.

"When the emergency doctor or the police inform us that a person in distress needs psychological support, we set off immediately. We offer 'first aid for the soul'," says Yvonne Weißflog. The pme employee regularly works for the Leipzig crisis intervention team.

The Leipzig Crisis Intervention Team supports people in acute crises, for example after traumatic events such as serious traffic accidents. This 'first aid for the soul' alleviates acute stress and helps to prevent secondary illnesses. 

Yvonne takes on one or two duties per month - each lasting more than 24 hours. In addition, there are regular exercises with the police and the rescue service to prepare for the missions, as well as monthly association meetings and occasional specialist conferences. Further training in psychosocial emergency care, which Yvonne completed as part of her work at Familienservice , provided the impetus for her commitment. 

There are many touching experiences in this voluntary work: "I see mothers who remain strong for their children even though they have just lost someone, families and friends who support each other or people who think of animals that have just lost their owner," says Yvonne. "I experience every moment, every exchange, every situation and every existence as formative."

Donations are needed for further training, materials for use in the field and specialist literature. 

Further information at www.kit-leipzig.de