Balance 360° for managers - Educate

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Balance 360° for managers

Balance 360° for managers

We always work most productively when we are awake, relaxed and free from pressure - in short, when we are in the flow. All the more reason why we need reliable recharging stations in all areas of life. Recharge your batteries in the seminars in our Balance 360° series!

1. leading yourself: good leadership begins in front of the mirror

In this seminar, managers reflect on their own role and the example they set for the team. They develop discursive factors that strengthen them in their role and acquire methods to defuse stress in particularly challenging situations.


2. team resilience is feasible: Your team in the workflow

In order to remain committed and productive, teams need the skills to overcome conflicts and crises. This seminar shows managers which factors increase team resilience, promote a shared workflow and help to keep team members healthy.


3 See and be seen: Is appreciation a matter for the boss?

How does appreciation work - away from banal and superficial, motivating and inspiring? The seminar encourages your managers to take a constructive, pragmatic and well-measured approach to the topics of appreciation, responsibility and motivation.



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Balance 360° speaker and burnout expert Ulla Ostendorf explains ...


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