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fit for change
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fit for change
Fit for change

fit for change: Strengthen your handling of change
"Change is the new normal" - IBM's new slogan sums it up: our lives are determined by change, both privately and professionally. 94 percent of German companies are planning "changes" in the short term. Restructuring and reorganization are the buzzwords. New room concepts, new work processes, new software solutions - we all have to keep pace. This challenges our change competence. Because the "we've-always-done-it-this-way" attitude is taboo today.
In the 'Fit for change' consulting workshop, you will learn how to deal with change confidently and maintain your willingness to learn and your curiosity.
Your benefit:
- You get to know and strengthen your personal change competence
- They assess change processes better
- You strengthen your openness to new things
- You will learn how to classify your behaviour and emotions correctly and recognize your scope for action
- You will learn how to overcome inner blockages and update your knowledge and behavior patterns
- three-hour seminar
- Two hours of individual implementation coaching for each participant
- Accompanying e-learning tool
Target group:
For team members and managers with high demands and people who are involved in or expecting change processes.
Are you an employee of one of our contractors?
Then you can register for a change seminar of your choice in our calendar of events:
You are not yet our customer? Then you can register with us via Semigator for a change seminar of your choice:
Your trainer
Darina Doubravova is a certified business trainer and coach for change management, diversity, virtual working, self-management, time management and mixed teams. She is also the Managing Director of pme Familienservice Group Czech Republic.
Find out more about Change 360° seminars with Darina Doubravova, e.g. MinZe - My individual time management.
Are you interested in booking this seminar? Please get in touch with us.
Contact Darina Doubravova

Darina Doubravova
Head of pme Academy