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Counseling workshop
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Virtual consulting workshop
Virtual consulting workshop
Virtual consulting workshops for managers and team members
In our 2-3 hour virtual counseling workshops, you will learn how to make practical changes in your own life in exchange with other participants. The core of counseling workshops is the virtual exchange of practical experience, moderated by experienced trainers.
Take the opportunity to have your challenge illuminated from different angles. We rely on swarm experience and a wide range of solutions. You act, we moderate.
Innovative mix of methods
Is that not enough for you or do you have a very specific request? You can then book up to two individual coaching sessions.
How does it work?
- Short keynote speech on the topic
- Roundtable - moderated collegial consultation.
- They are all experts. One describes, all advise.
- Appointment for two individual coaching sessions within the next three months.
What is special?
- Max. 12 participants from different companies
- interactive, your ideas and experiences are in demand
- Openness, trust, appreciation and, above all, the willingness to seek advice from other participants.
Booking and participating in a consulting workshop (face-to-face and virtual) depends on the services offered by your employer.
The coaches and trainers
Our coaches and trainers at a glance.
Procedure of the virtual consulting workshop
To ensure that the workshop is a success for everyone, it is important that you are familiar with the process.
- Welcome and information by the moderator
- Moderated round of introductions of all participants
- Short keynote speech on the topic
- Break
- Moderated exchange "Round Table" - your challenge meets the experiences of others
- Final round
- Two individual coaching appointments for you