Calendar of events

Dealing with parental anxiety: helicopters or care?


Modern parents are often confronted with fears: the focus is on safety, success at school and the best possible support for the child. But when does well-intentioned care turn into "helicopter behavior" that could harm the child in the long term?

In this specialist lecture, we look at the causes of parental anxieties and how they affect family life. You will learn how to distinguish between legitimate worry and excessive controlling behavior and how to give your child the freedom that is important for their healthy development by giving them more personal responsibility. Hear about practical strategies for reflecting on your own anxieties and developing a more relaxed approach to your children's growing independence.

incl. simultaneous translation: English

Booking status: free

Date: 27.03.25

Event days: 1

Time: 11:30 - 12:30

Format: Lecture

Venue: virtual

Address: We will send you the access data in good time before the start of the event.

Booking number: VA_95485

Application deadline: 25.03.25

Costs: free of charge

Speaker: Ramona Krämer

Medium: Internet

Subject area: Education

Target groups: Employees of the contractual partners, employees of pme

Comments: You are interested in the topic but cannot attend on the day of the event? No problem! You are welcome to register. The webinar will be recorded and will be available for you to view for 14 days afterwards. incl. simultaneous translation: English #English #English

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