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Public sector
Your partner for socio-political projects
Our offer for
Ministries, municipalities, authorities
Our quality promise
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Over 30 years of experience in managing nationwide projects |
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Diverse qualification measures with modern methods |
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Versatile, interdisciplinary team and nationwide network |
Take advantage of our many years of expertise
with projects and training!
pme Akademie gGmbH - an AZAV-certified educational institution
As an AZAV-certified training provider, pme Akademie gGmbH has been an established name for over ten years, particularly in the field of training and further education in child day care and everyday help.
Combating the skills shortage with training
The shortage of skilled workers is currently the most pressing problem in education, care and everyday assistance. At the same time, there are many people who, with the right qualifications, can be deployed very well in these fields of work.
We bring the two together: We use exciting formats and varied methods to get people excited about learning. We create prospects for jobseekers, help shape the integration of migrants and, thanks to online training, also give people in rural areas access to further qualifications!
Further training: Online, face-to-face, blended
Take advantage ofinteractive e-learning, workshops and varied videos for different target groups:
Daycare workers, educators, supplementary staff, domestic helpers, everyday helpers, caregivers in private households as well as managers, HR managers and project managers.
Qualification for household-related services
You would like to qualify people as everyday helpers with the aim of billing the services in accordance with §45a SGB XI - we offer you the right blended learning training.
Congresses & Events
Our congresses, livestreams and hybrid events offer activating impulses, engaging speakers and enriching discussions.
A selection: Since 2009, we have organized the annual child daycare congress "Mit Herz und Verstand" (With Heart and Mind), on behalf of the Federal Government Commissioner for the New Federal States we held the congress "Frauen machen neue Länder" from 2008 to 2013, from 2008 to 2016 our congress "Humanomics" took place. We have been organizing digital health days, livestreams and specialist conferences for several years, e.g. on educational topics, work-life balance, equal opportunities and new work.
Project and program management
Since 2006, we have been responsible for service offices for various public clients at local and national level and bring a great deal of knowledge, experience and sensitivity to the management of large-scale projects and programs.
As a service office for the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, we were responsible for the action program "Mehrgenerationenhäuser" and the action program "Perspektive Wiedereinstieg" as well as its follow-up program "GAPS".
There are also various projects for Bavarian ministries: For the Bavarian Ministry of Family Affairs, we manage the service center of the Bavarian Family Pact and for the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs the "Successful.Family-Friendly" competition. We were also responsible for the Bavarian Senior Citizens' Academy on behalf of the Bavarian State Ministry for Family, Labor and Social Affairs.
Studies and portal development
Would you like to analyze your target group, evaluate the circumstances for your project in a structured way or provide an online service for your community - we will implement your wishes according to your ideas!
Social challenges - always at the cutting edge
We think about the future of society and offer options today to intervene in a transformative and creative way so that life in the future can be realized in an equitable, self-determined and resource-saving way.
Lack of childcare, crises, diversity, digitalization - our drive is to find tailor-made solutions for current social challenges and changes. The focus is always on people. What sets us apart: A feel for important issues and our commitment to finding solutions!
Get to know us!
Small selection of our projects
Work:Life Magazine
Verified qualitystandards
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