Online training for everyday companions:in
in accordance with § 45a

Your job prospects with meaning

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Care for people in need of care

Learn important background information on age-related illnesses and limitations as well as the basics of nursing care. You will learn how to get involved in everyday care and how to act in an emergency.

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Communication and support

You will learn how to communicate with people in need of care and their relatives. Also: the basics of care insurance and care law, stress factors for family caregivers and self-management.

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Support in the household

We teach knowledge and skills for cleaning and caring for the living area and textiles as well as for preparing healthy food. You will also learn how to actively involve people in need of care.

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AZAV-certified training provider

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Diverse qualification measures with modern methods

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The only blended learning concept in this format to date

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You learn flexibly and independently at your own pace and benefit from a good mix of personal guidance and self-study.

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The personal aspect is not neglected: if you have any questions or problems, a contact person is there for you and you can exchange ideas with other participants.

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Job with prospects

Everyday companions are in high demand on the job market. Once you have passed the course, we will be happy to add you to our own placement pool.
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As an AZAV-certified training provider, the pme Akademie gGbmH has been an established name in the field of everyday support for over 10 years.

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We take everyone along on our clear and easy-to-understand courses. If required, you can borrow technical equipment from us.

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Recognized according to § 45a

In some federal states, such as North Rhine-Westphalia, the course can be recognized by the care insurance fund. 

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What does an everyday companion do?

As an everyday companion, you accompany and support people in their homes and help them organize their everyday lives. Among other things, you help in the household and garden, accompany people in need of care to appointments, go for walks with them, play board games or read to them.

What is the content of the online training course to become an everyday companion?

In just 6 weeks, you will learn everything you need to know about age-related illnesses and limitations as well as the basics of nursing care. You will acquire knowledge and skills for cleaning and caring for the living area and textiles as well as for preparing food. You will also learn how to actively involve people in need of care. You will also receive important information on how to communicate successfully with people in need of care and their relatives, as well as on legal principles.

How long does the training take?

Can't wait to get started as an everyday companion? Then you've come to the right place: after just 40 teaching units and a personal final interview, you'll be ready for your first assignments. On average, the training lasts around 6 weeks.

How much does the course cost?

Training to become an everyday companion in accordance with § 45a costs 279 euros. In North Rhine-Westphalia, 50% of the costs can be subsidized via the education voucher. Payment in installments is also possible by arrangement.  

How do I find a job as an everyday companion?

As an everyday companion, you are in high demand on the job market. A wide range of areas of employment await you, e.g. in private households or with outpatient care services. Placement via the pme Familienservice to its numerous customers is also possible.

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