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Inspiration for every situation in life!

The pme Familienservice offers employees and families support in all life situations. We provide impulses on various aspects of work-life balance and the changing world of work and life.

Our top speakers give helpful tips on how to deal with daily challenges in your professional and private life!

Calendar of events

"It's complicated" - Katja Lewina on love, sex and relationships


Love and desire have always been a challenge - but today we are at a special turning point.

Between romantic love, "anything goes" and inflated expectations, we ask ourselves: What makes us freer, what overwhelms us?

Bestselling author Katja Lewina debunks entrenched clichés about male and female sexuality, questions alternative relationship models and provides practical ideas for open, honest communication about sex and desire.

A talk full of aha moments, inspiration and an invitation to rethink love.


Booking status: free

Date: 26.06.25

Event days: 1

Time: 12:30 - 14:00

Format: Lecture

Venue: virtual

Address: We will send you the access data in good time before the start of the event.

Booking number: VA_96306

Application deadline: 25.06.25

Costs: free of charge

Speaker: Katja Lewina

Medium: Internet

Subject area: Methods/skills

Target groups: Employees of the contractual partners

Notes: The webinar will be recorded and will be available for 14 days afterwards.

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