Manfred Lütz
IRRE - We treat the wrong people!

Manfred Lütz, bestselling author and psychiatrist, takes you humorously into the world of the "mad" - and holds up a mirror to society in the process.

"To understand the normal, you first have to have studied the crazy" - this is how Manfred Lütz describes his view of the human psyche. He invites you on a fascinating journey through psychiatry and sheds light on the diversity of mental illnesses such as schizophrenia, depression and dementia.

He says: "You can look forward to an astute analysis that takes a tongue-in-cheek look at the "normal" and provides surprising insights into our society. Lütz's "Instruction manual for extraordinary people" promises entertainment and food for thought.

Calendar of events

19:00 - 20:30
Manfred Lütz, bestselling author and psychiatrist, takes you humorously into the world of the "mad" - and holds up a mirror to society in the process.

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