Health prevention
Your partner for tailor-made offers

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BGM consulting

We advise on the systematic development of a company health management system.

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GBU Psyche

Recognize mental stress in your employees at an early stage with our GBU Psyche offer.

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Health promotion

Offers on nutrition, exercise, stress and addiction prevention and health days.

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BEM consulting

Make it easier for your employees to return to work after a long period of incapacity.

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ZPP courses

We offer certified courses in accordance with § 20 SGB V on exercise, nutrition, stress and addiction prevention.

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Multiplier training

Qualify employees in key functions for the topic of health in the company.

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Over 1,400 satisfied customers.


Sustainable expertise thanks to permanently employed psychologists and OHM experts.


30 years of experience in the operational context of employee assisstance.

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Needs-based and process-oriented consulting in occupational health management (OHM)

Recognize obstacles, work out steps for change, develop new ideas for solutions: We advise and support companies and organizations in the strategic introduction of an individual OHM process, identify needs and discuss tailored measures in the fields of mental health, exercise, nutrition, stress management and addiction prevention.

With the help of our analysis tools such as the GBU Psyche, our EAP real-time reporting, an absence structure analysis or an employee survey, companies identify the stumbling blocks, work out change steps, develop tailor-made prevention measures and implement these together with us.
We then accompany the evaluation of the results and derive further measures from them.

Health prevention for all target groups

Individual prevention according to §20 SGB V
We offer ZPP-certified prevention courses on topics such as stress management, autogenic training, progressive muscle relaxation and resilience.

Prevention in living environments according to §20a SGB V
We offer target group-oriented and tailored prevention services for people in teaching, education, sport and study. Our customers from these areas have trusted us for many years
we ourselves live in these environments with our 90 daycare centers.

Workplace health promotion in accordance with §20b SGB V
Our 1,400 client companies have been benefiting from our competent solutions from a single source for 30 years: lectures, coaching, live courses, the Mindance app, media libraries and self-learning portals form a wide range of prevention services. We equip and design entire health days on site at the customer's premises and organize large hybrid events ourselves every year.


Comprehensive health services for successful health promotion 

With the help of our extensive company health promotion program, we make health prevention a tangible experience. In addition to our individual prevention offers, we organize company health days, comprehensive digital health events, multi-day mind-body retreats or fun team challenges such as the Health Olympics.

As a leading EAP provider, we also support employees in professional and private crises such as conflicts at work, psychological stress, parenting issues, addiction problems, financial emergencies and much more. We are certified in accordance with the guidelines of the German-speaking Association for Online Counseling (DGOB).

You can find our preventive health services on the BGF portfolio page.


Our experts for all matters

We pay attention to the high quality of our content and services and therefore only work internally and externally with qualified and experienced experts.

Our team of specialists consists of highly qualified (social) educators, psychologists, health scientists, sports scientists, trainers with A/B licenses, yoga trainers, experienced systemically trained coaches/consultants and experts in impulsive presentations.

Sustainable health management for beginners and advanced users

We offer short impulses, knowledge bites, e-learning, small exercise units and the Mindance app to provide low-threshold entry points, even for those "unfamiliar with health". Our services refer to each other and our coaches and trainers accompany our customers' learning and change journey in a very individual and highly motivating way. With our blended approach, we provide lasting digital support for everyday life as well as important human impulses and interventions in between.

We perceive our customers as a whole and take them seriously. Our "Mind, Body & Soul" approach integrates the other aspects in each service in order to take into account the connections and dependencies, make them clear and thus contribute to truly sustainable health.

Mindance App 

The Mindance app provides you with a platform for mental fitness and the prevention of mental illness for companies. To promote the mental health of your employees, "Mindance" offers a tailor-made complete package of digitalized training programs and workshops with certified coaches. 

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participants take part in our online yoga course each week, making it the largest in Germany.

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We offer coaching sessions for managers and teams in an operational context every year.

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We offer expert presentations on employee health throughout the year.

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zero Pronova BKK supports healthy leadership

Jürgen Zimmermann, Pronova BKK
Leadership & HR

pronova BKK supports healthy leadership

company health insurance funds across Germany are rolling out their unique blended learning program for managers "Healthy leadership in the world of work 4.0". The management academy of the pme Familienservice is leading the program as a provider of coaching and training. The pronova BKK not only plays a pioneering role in this, but also actively supports the pme Familienservice in promoting health and jointly developing innovative offers.

Find out more in the interview with Jörg Zimmermann, Health Promotion Department Manager at pronova BKK.

pronova BKK has put the topic of healthy leadership on its agenda: How important is leadership, especially in times of crisis?

Healthy leadership should always play a key role in a company. However, especially in and after times of crisis, be it personal or social crises such as the coronavirus pandemic or the current inflation, the quality of leadership is particularly important.

On the one hand, "healthy leadership" has a direct impact on the motivation and performance of every employee and therefore also on the profitability of a company. However, I would particularly like to emphasize the very individual significance for each and every employee.

Particular importance is always attached to treating employees with respect and honesty, especially during and/or after a personal illness.  

We can therefore only recommend that companies take the meaning of the term "HR", i.e. "human resources", literally and "nurture" their "human resources", i.e. the health and well-being of their employees, accordingly.

We are convinced that practicing "healthy leadership" will give the company a decisive competitive advantage on the market.  

How has the "Healthy leadership in the world of work 4.0" project been received?

In November 2021, the online portal for managers "Healthy Leadership" was presented for the first time in a live stream by the BKK umbrella organization. Just a few weeks later, pronova BKK took on a pioneering role in the BKK system.

With the support of our partner, pme Familienservice, we were the first health insurance company in Germany to offer our employer customers free digital coaching and training sessions nationwide. In the meantime, we are enjoying constantly growing demand and popularity for the digital online series "Healthy Leadership". 

What are pronova BKK's plans for the future with regard to healthy leadership?

Over the next few years, we would like to place the topic of "healthy leadership" with our employer customers in a sustainable manner, ideally in conjunction with the blended learning portal.
As this portal is unique in Germany in terms of its type, scope and quality and can be used free of charge by our employer customers, we anticipate increased demand in the coming months.

Thanks to pronova BKK, we can make the Mindance app available to our team members. What is the motivation behind it?

We are convinced that our (partnership-based) cooperation with pme Familienservice will generate added value for everyone involved. First and foremost, our policyholders, our employer customers and we ourselves as a company will benefit.

Among other things, the aim is to further develop the Mindance app in partnership and to jointly develop new needs-based follow-up offers. In doing so, we consciously use the "swarm intelligence" of experts from different industries. 

We will merge the best content and expertise of both companies for the benefit of our customers, as the preservation of mental health will continue to gain in importance throughout Germany in the coming years. Our willingness and courage to think outside the box together will enable us to develop new, future-proof products. This is how we understand and live the legal mandate to shape and support the health and well-being of our insured and employer customers in a sustainable way. 

Want to find out more about the project?


Logo Pronova BKK

BGF team
Tel: 0621 53391-4927

In addition to provova BKK, a number of other company health insurance funds support the "Healthy leadership in the world of work 4.0" project. - for example Novitas BKK, Audi BKK and VerbundPlus BKK. If you would like to offer your managers new impulses with new innovative methods through the blended learning offer, please contact Michele Sliwa or the company health insurance fund of your choice.

Calendar of events

at any time
In this e-learning "Your path to resilience" you actively train your inner resilience for more strength in everyday life and confidence in challenging times!
at any time
The e-learning course "Get moving!" introduces you to a more active everyday life in the long term with knowledge, food for thought and practical exercises.
at any time
In this "MinZe Digital" e-learning course, you will learn methods and tools for effective self-management and time management tailored to your requirements.
at any time
This e-learning "Simply Eating" shows you small, rewarding steps towards healthy eating habits with knowledge content, exercises and food for thought - without forcing yourself or giving up.
at any time
In this e-learning course, you will learn step by step how to deal with emotional eating in a healthy way.

We are looking forward to providing you with an offer and will get back to you as soon as possible.

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