Further training for intergenerational lots:in
Successfully leading mixed-age teams

Icon for demographic change

Demographic change

Working successfully in multi-generational teams

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Icon for recruiting


Successful recruitment with creative strategies

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Icon for benefits


Increase your own employer attractiveness and employee loyalty

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Icon for age management

Age Management

Securing and successfully expanding corporate knowledge across generations

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Icon for guidance


Knowing needs, using differences, promoting exchange

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Icon for health and employability

Health & Employability

Holistic Healthy employees - for a working life

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30 years of experience in the operational context

Many years of expert knowledge

Top Brand Corporate Health

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Icon for continuing education compact

Further training "compact"

Individually tailored for up to 10 people in a company.
Virtual or in person. Flexible in terms of time.
Guaranteed: Small group with plenty of time for discussion.

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Icon for further training quick and easy

Further training "quick&easy"

Virtual training for people from different companies on a fixed date. Guaranteed: Small group with plenty of time to exchange ideas.
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Icon Scope of training 01

Scope of hours

Two one-day seminars of 6 hours each or
6 online seminars of two hours each.

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Icon Scope of training 02

Scope of hours

6 online seminars of two hours each.                 

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Icon target group 01

Target group

Human resources managers and HR administrators, various people in a company who are concerned about diversity and personnel development.

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Icon target group 02

Target group

Human resources managers and HR administrators, various people in a company who are concerned about diversity and personnel development.

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Icon speakers


Specialist consultants/trainers in the Homecare/Eldercare and Occupational Health Management divisions of pme Familienservice.

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Icon speakers


Specialist consultants/trainers in the Homecare/Eldercare and Occupational Health Management divisions of pme Familienservice.
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Icon methods


Expert keynote speech, plenary work, small group work, practical transfer, space for reflection.

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Expert keynote speech, plenary work, small group work, practical transfer, space for reflection. 

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Icon costs


Please contact us for your individual offer.

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Icon costs


799 Euro plus VAT.                                

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Module 1: Demographic change

Working successfully in multigenerational teams
What generations and fields of action are there in generation management? What opportunities and challenges do the individual generations offer? Find out more: facts, figures and data on demographic change.

Module 2: Recruiting

Successful recruitment with creative strategies
Reach specialists from the individual generations Gen Z, Gen Y, Gen X and Baby Boomers by understanding their needs. This allows you to develop tailor-made recruiting strategies for the different generations.

Module 3: Benefits

Increase your own employer attractiveness and employee loyalty
In order for
you as a company to remain attractive and for the benefits to benefit your employees, benefits must be tailored precisely to the individual's situation. How do you find out which benefits your company should offer? How do you remain flexible?

Module 4: Age Management

Safeguarding and successfully expanding corporate knowledge across generations
How can the company's knowledge be secured and used as a value-enhancing resource in a holistic, goal-oriented and future-oriented manner? What concepts and strategies are necessary for the concrete exchange of knowledge between generations?

Module 5: Leadership

Successful leadership in a generation mix
Different generations bring different strengths, skills, expectations and synergies to the team. At the same time, a mix of generations in the team also demands a lot from the managers, who often belong to different generations.

Module 6: Health and employability

Holistic healthy working
Explore health images of different generations and learn how to work healthily together. Face future challenges in a changing world of work.

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