Generation Manager (IHK)
Certificate Course

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Fundamentals and challenges of generation management.

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Needs analysis

Successful implementation and development.

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Icon for benefits

Strategy development

Conception and implementation of age-appropriate strategies.

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Icon for age management

Employee retention

Communication and benefits (part-time models).

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Health management

Healthy working and ageing.

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Age management

Methods and best practices for effective knowledge transfer.

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Tolerance and conflict resolution: healthy leadership for (joint) success.

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Evaluation & control in age management

Focus on the effectiveness of age management strategies.

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Icon for health and employability


Self-reflection, analysis of the current situation and perspective planning.

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30 years of experience in the operational context

Many years of expert knowledge

Top Brand Corporate Health

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Scope of hours

50 hours in total, consisting of online meetings over three weeks on two days a week from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and eight hours of self-study in e-learning.

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Target group

HR experts, managers, social workers, works councils, employees in health management and the HR department.

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The online format not only enables efficient and uncomplicated access to the learning materials, but also promotes a lively exchange between the participants.

The course concludes with a standardized test procedure in which the participants present an approach for their company.

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Jürgen Griesbeck M.A. : Dipl. Soz. Päd. (FH), systemic consultant, job coach (IHK), personnel coach (IHK) and certified seminar leader and coach (Competence on top)

Michèle Penz M.A.: Prevention and Health Management and BA. Sports Science and Psychology, Mental Coach (BSA)   

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Graduation Achievements

The test is taken online and lasts 90 minutes. In the first part of the test, a multiple-choice test is used to test content from the modules, while in the second part - as part of a practical example - the concrete steps for implementing generation management in a company are formulated. A prerequisite for admission to the test is at least 80% participation in the online training course.

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2,190.00 Euro plus VAT.

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Calendar of events

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Basics of generation management

In-depth introduction to the fundamentals and challenges of generation management, including consideration of life phases and career cycles.
- What is characteristic of a generation?
- What values and behaviors characterize them?
- What questions and challenges does this pose for companies, but also for managers and teams?

Needs analysis in generation management

Stakeholder analysis and methods for identifying and analyzing the different needs of different age groups, including surveys and interviews.
Generation management as a task affects almost all departments in a company.
For successful implementation and development, it is therefore important to involve management and all executives.

Strategy development in generation management

Design and implementation of age-appropriate strategies, including the development of part-time models and benefits for different age groups.

Employee retention: part-time models and benefits

Introduction to flexible working models and additional company benefits that are tailored to the needs of employees in different phases of their lives.

Health management: working and ageing

Introduction to occupational health management, focus on healthy working and ageing as well as generation-specific health phenomena.

Age management: knowledge transfer and transformation

Methods and best practices for the effective transfer of knowledge and the updating of corporate knowledge between generations.

Leadership: communication, tolerance and conflict resolution

Methods and techniques for improving intergenerational communication, promoting tolerance and conflict resolution in leadership.

Evaluation and control in age management

Measuring the effectiveness of age management strategies through KPIs and feedback systems, and how this data can be used for continuous improvement.

Project work in self-study

Status quo analysis, stakeholder analysis in the company, life phase analysis of employees

"Generation management enables the exchange of knowledge by utilizing the potential of several generations, which contributes to continuous development and innovation within the company. Different needs and expectations are taken into account. This enables companies to ensure respect and appreciation towards employees."
Judit Degrell-Lipinski IHK Middle Lower Rhine

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