An analysis of the success factors of employee assistance programs

The futurologists at GIM-Foresight conducted the empirical study "EAP-Success-Factors" on behalf of pme Familienservice . The study explores how employee assistance programs (EAPs) are perceived and which components influence employee acceptance and satisfaction.

Icon for EAP is important for employees

EAP is important for

Employee assistance programs are highly relevant for employees. More than two thirds (70%) of respondents state that EAP offers from their employer are important to them.

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Icon for Employees in companies with EAP are more satisfied

Employees in companies with an EAP are more satisfied

There is a significant positive correlation between employee satisfaction and EAP. 87% of respondents in companies with an EAP state that they are satisfied with their employer. Without an EAP, this figure is significantly lower at 61%.

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Icon for managers are main users

Managers are the main users

Managers take advantage of EAP offers far more frequently (87%) than other employees (50%). Such offers therefore appear to be increasingly important for the recruitment and retention of managers.

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