childcare centers and crèches
Company daycare centers and public daycare centers

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Our crèches for 0-3 year olds are characterized by their room design, the special educational concept and the loving professionals.

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Our kindergartens are special places that inspire children, parents and our team members with their liveliness and modern pedagogy.

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Company daycare center

We operate over 90 childcare and educational facilities across Germany and adapt opening hours and concepts to the needs of companies.

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Companies can book occupancy spaces in our company facilities and thus respond more flexibly to space and time requirements.

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Emergency care

Our back-up centers also offer highly flexible replacement care at short notice in the event that regular or off-peak care is unavailable.

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Service for parents

Supporting working parents has been a central guiding principle of pme since our foundation. This is also reflected in our childcare centers .

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Pedagogy at the cutting edge.

Free 24/7 parent counseling.

Care times tailored to demand.

CTA form

Places in kindergarten and crèche 

Booking places at our childcare centers is an uncomplicated way of relieving your employees of the time-consuming search for a suitable childcare facility. You simply book a fixed number of places, which you can allocate flexibly according to the requirements of your workforce.

Company-related or company-owned childcare center

With your own company daycare center, you can offer your employees the childcare that suits their working life. Discuss your requirements and ideas with us and we will take care of everything else on request: from the planning and design to the construction and operation of the childcare facility.

Back-up center and emergency support 

If the childminder is ill, childcare center is closed or there is a sudden business trip, good advice is often expensive. With our back-up facilities, you can ensure childcare for your employees.
We offer high-quality childcare for children aged 0 to 12 in small groups. We also arrange private emergency caregivers for childcare in your employees' private homes. 

Online childcare 

Relieve your working parents in the home office with online childcare or virtual emergency care - even at weekends and on public holidays. In 2021, we received an award from the "Germany - Land of Ideas" initiative for the idea of interactive online childcare.

Dr. Astrid Fontaine

"As an employer, we aim to achieve the best possible work-life balance. Because we cannot do without the potential of committed and well-trained mothers and fathers in any workplace. Childcare close to the workplace is an elementary component for us, which pme Familienservice GmbH ensures in our Bulligarten with the highest educational and organizational quality. "
Dr. Astrid Fontaine  Member of the Brand Management Board for Human Resources and Transformation 
Volkswagen Commercial Vehicles
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childcare centers and cribs throughout Germany.

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individually supported and lovingly cared for children.

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and more childcare center animals.

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