Recommend and benefit
Growing together

Bring us into play as a work-life balance partner with an employer and secure your bonus from 250 euros - or more!

Do you know a company that could benefit from our services? Then recommend us to others!

Fair. Transparent. Simple. Your recommendation not only helps the company, but is also rewarded!

Contact us now and submit your recommendation!

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Get in touch

Name a company that might be interested in our services and a contact person with whom you have had personal contact. Decision-makers in the company are excluded from the bonus.

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We take care of the rest

Our team establishes contact, presents our services and prepares a non-binding and customized offer.

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Your recommendation pays off

If your recommendation leads to a contractual relationship, you will receive a bonus of € 250.00 or more.

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Then recommend us now and get in touch with us.

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