Fit into old age
Dr. Kati Ernst on longevity

How can we stay fit and healthy into old age? Longevity expert Dr. Kati Ernst shows how the megatrend "longevity" is changing our lives - with innovative ideas and valuable tips for a long, active life.

How can we stay fit into old age? Dr. Kati Ernst - an expert in longevity - takes us on a journey into the future of longevity. With her podcast "Lifestyle of Longevity" and numerous awards, she inspires people to make the most of every year of their lives. Look forward to exciting insights, practical tips and a new perspective on a healthy, fulfilling life!

Calendar of events

19:00 - 20:30
Longevity expert Dr. Kati Ernst shows in her lecture how the megatrend "Longevity" is changing our lives. With innovative ideas & valuable tips for a long, active life.

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