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Results for "Employer"
What does healthy sleep look like?
Tips and tricks: health expert Sarah Morzinek explains what makes for healthy and restful sleep. Plus simple breathing exercises that are guaranteed to help you relax.
What does a compatibility manager do?
Work-life balance managers implement individual measures for a better work-life balance in the company. Interview with two graduates of the "Compatibility Manager" certificate course.
Management job and family: "We need role models!"
Being a manager and still having time for your family? Head of HR Evelyn Schipfer on her personal model for success.
Purpose as a motivator: boost team performance
What do we actually work for? In times of climate change and the coronavirus crisis, a deeper, sustainable sense of purpose has great potential to create a new leadership paradigm.
pme donates: Noam's assistance dog
Noam is 11 years old and lives with Pelizaeus-Merzbacher syndrome. A donation from the pme Familienservice has now helped him fulfill his dream of having his own companion dog.
Being grateful: "Genuine gratitude puts us in a flow"
26.11.2021 Isabel Hempel 725 Grateful people are said to be happier, healthier and live longer. The feeling of deep gratitude is also said to help us get through dark times. Pme...
9 tips for a positive error culture
Establish and exemplify a positive error culture in the company. 9 tips from business coach Darina Doubravová
"I could scream": dealing with anger appropriately
Aggression: Life situations coach Matthias Könning gives tips on how to deal constructively with anger and annoyance.
Hybrid working: "There is a great desire for it"
In this interview, manager Yvonne Schmidt explains how DEVK Versicherungen made the leap to hybrid working and how she envisions collaboration after the pandemic.
Digital Health Day: Let us inspire you!
Save the date: Book our digital health day for your employees
Digital Health Day: Let us inspire you!
with the company o Improved image as a family-friendly employer
Middle class and family
Digital Health Day: Let us inspire you!
This saves on placement fees, but the family must fulfill all obligations as an employer.
Digital Health Day: Let us inspire you!
This saves placement fees, but the family must fulfill all obligations as an employer.
Digital Health Day: Let us inspire you!
Employers who offer their employees exclusive childcare for their employees. pme assistance20 Individual advice for parents and...
pme crisis support in times of Corona
The coronavirus crisis presents us all with unprecedented challenges. It demands great efforts and enormous agility from many people and companies. As a provider of various...
Failure is a matter for the boss
Change requires creativity, innovation and, above all, the courage to make mistakes. Establishing a positive error culture in the company is therefore a key management task today.
"What remains is the scar on my head"
Campaign: Unspeakable? Cancer in everyday working life. pme employee Max talks about his cancer at the age of 13.
Minimum wage for 24-hour staff - what to do?
A ruling by the Federal Labor Court, according to which so-called 24-hour staff are also entitled to a minimum wage, is unsettling for those in need of care and their relatives. What needs to be considered? What are the alternatives?
How virtual teams stay creative despite distance
Isolated at home at your desk, alone for lunch, team events falling through: how are good ideas supposed to come up? Does working at home inhibit the ability to innovate...
"Don't panic about the question of meaning"
Gisela Erler never had the dream of a great career. Looking back, she is all the more satisfied with what she has achieved. Helping others to make their lives better - that was her credo. What...
Help for parents: How to talk to children about war?
How can you explain to children what is happening in Ukraine? Tips from the pme parent counseling service.
A strong duo for mental health: pme takes over Mindance
(Berlin, 14.04.2021) The pme Familienservice Group is delighted to welcome Mindance GmbH to its company.
A strong duo for mental health: pme takes over Mindance
not only the parents benefit in the end, but also you as an employer. Employer...Management coaching on dealing with stressed employees -...
Sabbatical: Life is too short for sometime
pme employee Anja Umbreit gives 5 tips for the sabbatical.
Mental consequences of the lockdown: are we at risk of burnout?
Many employees have had enough. After the second lockdown at the latest, the glass is now overflowing. Resources have been used up and optimism has evaporated. We'll show you what you...
Mental strength in sport: "Performance and inner drive"
Sports psychologist Christoph Herr provides insights into the mental training of competitive athletes.
Retain and motivate older employees
Older employees are a valuable resource. Find out what advantages they bring and how you can retain them in your company.
"No remote tool can replace a personal exchange"
(Computerwoche, 19.08.21) Sky's Head of HR Danja Frech talks about challenges and solutions in the Covid-19 pandemic.
"No remote tool can replace a personal exchange"
Self-employment/mini-job in a private household, insurances communication with parents as employers
Shaping compatibility for everyone
Shaping compatibility for all Responsibility for the family: men provide the financial security and earn the majority of the money, women in turn are responsible for the success and...
Middle class and family
Shaping compatibility for everyone
" Shaping compatibility for everyone Most couples strive to share family responsibilities and career development as partners.
Middle class and family
"Empathy, motivation and communication are becoming increasingly important"
In this interview, Heike Maetz, HR Business Partner at Statkraft, reports on what will be important in future collaboration and what she would like to see after coronavirus.
"Empathy, motivation and communication are becoming increasingly important"
Initiative against violence against women. As an employer, you would like to
Investigation proceedings against a former pme caregiver
On June 10, 2022, pme Familienservice learned of the arrest of a marginally employed caregiver on suspicion of sexual abuse. Here we explain which...
What is stress management? Definition, methods, exercises
Good stress management helps you to cope more easily with work and everyday situations and to reduce stress. Read about what triggers stress and which methods of stress management are...
What is stress management? Definition, methods, exercises
the parental or child benefit or childcare allowance that your employer pays you
What is stress management? Definition, methods, exercises
the parental or child benefit or childcare allowance that your employer pays you
What is stress management? Definition, methods, exercises
Last but not least, pme can point to corresponding awards as an employer
What is stress management? Definition, methods, exercises
violence-against-women-an-eu-wide-survey-results-at-a-glance As an employer you would like to
Why resilience is important in a team
Ella Gabriele Amann, founder of the Resilience Forum, explains why resilient team structures are more important than ever before.
Minister Katharina Binz on women in politics and the workplace
In this interview, the Deputy Minister President of Rhineland-Palatinate talks about women in politics and how she wants to promote equality for women in professional life.
Best practice: Nursing staff from abroad at Albertinen Hospital
How does the integration of foreign specialists succeed at Albertinen Hospital? Interview with Nursing Director Alberto Correia.
Violence against women: "Women can only get out with help"
It is invisible and affects one in four women: violence within their own four walls. Only a few women seek help and manage to escape the cycle of violence: out of fear, shame and because it...
"We need the care revolution"
In this interview, Dr. Franziska Schutzbach shows ways out of female exhaustion.
Burn on: "I'm just functioning"
Burn-on syndrome: Many people feel exhausted - but can't find a stop button. Psychologists have coined the term burn-on for this restless exhaustion. What is it? Who can it...
pme Familienservice celebrates its anniversary: the original for 30 years!
30 years of pme Familienservice - that means 30 years of passion for companies and their employees. As the first and most diverse provider of its kind, the pme family service is today regarded as...
5 tips on how to lead hybrid teams
Leading hybrid teams is a new challenge for managers. Our leadership trainer Mario Müller gives you five tips on how to achieve good collaboration in your team....
Best practice: How innovations work despite the mobile office
Creative processes in the mobile office? pme employees report on innovations at their desks at home and the projects they have implemented.
Best practice: How innovations work despite the mobile office
In the case of permanent employment with a wage tax card and mini-jobs, the employer employer is responsible...or their relatives are In the case of permanent employment (including a mini-job)...
Middle class and family
Best practice: How innovations work despite the mobile office
But what do employers need to bear in mind when working?...Do employers trust themselves to meet these technical requirements...
Best practice: How innovations work despite the mobile office
Daniel Erler Continuing education is available at employees 3rd place of employers
Apply for a mother-child cure and father-child cure: Here's how!
Everything you need to know about mother-father-child cures: How to apply for a cure, who is entitled and what to expect. Plus test: How useful is a cure for me?
Apply for a mother-child cure and father-child cure: Here's how!
not only the parents benefit in the end, but also you as an employer
Apply for a mother-child cure and father-child cure: Here's how!
the names of the family members, the address, the employer, and the date on which the childcare was booked.
Apply for a mother-child cure and father-child cure: Here's how!
the names of the family members, the address, the employer, and the date on which the childcare was booked.
pme learning worlds
Data protection notice
We want to gain your trust. For this reason, we adhere strictly to the statutory data protection regulations.
Data protection notice
Many employers and companies are now faced with the question of how to implement these
The film: No one is as colorful as we are!
On March 16, we will be shooting scenes for our diversity clip for a whole day. Here's a preview of what you can expect: Franc Minh-Tai Nguyen works for us as a childcare worker in...
When parents become in need of care
(Handelsblatt Online, 25.01.2016) What should you do if your parents need care? The pme Familienservice helps with the compatibility of care and work. To the article "Reconciling...
The Dresdner Straße 59 neighborhood project is the winner of the Family Friendliness Award
(Focus Online Regional Leipzig, 20.05.2017) Family friendliness pays off. This is proven by the energy service provider EXXETA, which received a special award as part of this year's...