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Fehler bei der Verarbeitung der Vorlage.
The following has evaluated to null or missing:
==> caption  [in template "20201#20241#ARTIKEL DETAIL" at line 54, column 14]

Tip: If the failing expression is known to legally refer to something that's sometimes null or missing, either specify a default value like myOptionalVar!myDefault, or use <#if myOptionalVar??>when-present<#else>when-missing</#if>. (These only cover the last step of the expression; to cover the whole expression, use parenthesis: (!myDefault, (

FTL stack trace ("~" means nesting-related):
	- Failed at: #if caption.getData()?? &&  [in template "20201#20241#ARTIKEL DETAIL" at line 54, column 9]
1<div class="article"> 
3    <#if showTeaser?? && getterUtil.getBoolean(showTeaser.getData())> 
4        <div class="row"> 
5            <div class="col"> 
6                <div class="teaser-text"> 
7                    <p> 
8                        <strong> 
9                            <#if teaserArtikel.getData()?? && teaserArtikel.getData()?trim?has_content > 
10                                ${teaserArtikel.getData()} 
11                            <#else> 
12                                ${teaser.getData()} 
13                            </#if> 
14                        </strong> 
15                    </p> 
16                </div> 
17            </div> 
18        </div> 
19    </#if> 
21    <div class="row"> 
22        <#assign altText = "" /> 
24        <#if Vimeo_Video_ID.getData()?? && Vimeo_Video_ID.getData()?trim?has_content> 
25            <div class="col video"> 
26                <iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="360" mozallowfullscreen="" src="${Vimeo_Video_ID.getData()}" webkitallowfullscreen="" width="640"></iframe> 
27            </div> 
28        <#elseif YouTube_ID?? && YouTube_ID.getData()?trim?has_content> 
29            <div class="col video"> 
30                <iframe allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="360" mozallowfullscreen="" src="${YouTube_ID.getData()}" webkitallowfullscreen="" width="640"></iframe>  
31            </div> 
32        <#elseif artikelBild.getData()?? && artikelBild.getData()?trim?has_content > 
33            <#if altTextOtherImage?? && altTextOtherImage.getData()?trim?has_content> 
34                <#assign altText = altTextOtherImage.getData() /> 
35            </#if> 
37            <div class="col-md-12 picture"> 
38                <div class="article-picture"> 
39                    <img alt="${altText}" class="img-fluid" src="${artikelBild.getData()}&imageThumbnail=1" /> 
40                </div> 
41            </div> 
42        <#else> 
43            <#if altTextImgForTeaser?? && altTextImgForTeaser.getData()?trim?has_content> 
44                <#assign altText = altTextImgForTeaser.getData() /> 
45            </#if> 
47            <div class="col-md-12 picture"> 
48                <div class="article-picture"> 
49                    <img alt="${altText}" class="img-fluid" src="${image.getData()}&imageThumbnail=1" /> 
50                </div> 
51            </div> 
52        </#if> 
54        <#if caption.getData()?? && caption.getData()?trim?has_content > 
55            <div class="caption"> 
56                <span class="caption-text"> 
57                    ${caption.getData()} 
58                </span> 
59            </div> 
60        </#if> 
61    </div> 
63    <div class="row"> 
64        <div class="col"> 
65            <div class="content"> 
66                <p> 
67                    ${content.getData()} 
68                </p> 
69            </div> 
70        </div> 
71    </div> 