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4 good tips against poverty in old age for women

Pension provision? This word hardly finds a place alongside Zoom meetings, household chores and the rest of everyday stress. For many people, financing their retirement is a tiresome topic that slips far down the priority list with thoughts such as "Somehow the money will be enough" or "I have statutory insurance".

However, it is often a mistake for women to postpone the issue of retirement provision. After all, the so-called gender pension gap is a widespread phenomenon. According to the Bertelsmann Foundation, by 2036, one in three single newly retired women will be dependent on financial support from the state. To make sure you have enough money in old age, you can 't start early enough to deal with your finances. Our experts at pme Familienservice have four good tips for a solid pension plan.

1. calculate pension gap

Very few people have ever taken a closer look at the annual pension information from the pension insurance fund. And if they have, they gasp when they realize that the statutory pension will only cover a fraction of their fixed costs. That's why the first important step towards a solid pension is to calculate your own pension gap. Check: How much do I need to save in addition to my existing provisions (property, state pension, private pension insurance, etc.) until I retire so that I can cover my fixed costs?

TIP: Check whether the pension fund has entered all your data correctly (including parental leave, stays abroad, sabbatical, etc.).

2. create a savings plan

To close the pension gap, you need a savings plan. This is where most people say: "But there's nothing left to save at the end of the month!". This is a mistake, because the savings amount should not be paid from the monthly surpluses, but is part of the fixed costs. Once the savings plan has been determined, the question is how the money should be invested. ETFs (Exchange Traded Funds) are currently a very popular solution. With an ETF savings plan, you invest a fixed monthly amount in a predetermined ETF portfolio and benefit from the returns in the long term. That's why it's crucial to start saving NOW.

TIP: The article "Sparziel 100.000 Euro" by Stiftung Warentest (online for purchase) is helpful.

3. use free financial advice

Many of us have signed contracts at some point that are lying dormant somewhere. But what we no longer know: Are these contracts still worthwhile? What exactly do they contain? From Riester and endowment insurance to company pension plans: a lot has changed in all these products in recent years, whether by the legislator or by the providers. 

At this point, we recommend the advice of a freelance financial advisor who will work with you to review all contracts for profitability and discuss alternatives with you. It is important that the advisor is paid by you and not through commission. Although you will have to pay for this once, it is more worthwhile in the long term than buying another product that is not profitable or does not suit you. Especially if you don't really want to deal with the topic of finance, it can be very relieving to tackle it together with an advisor. This ensures greater commitment and discipline.

TIP: A holistic view of your life model is crucial for choosing the right products. A financial advisor who takes an individual approach to you, your goals, your life situation and your assets is ideal. 

4. you can do it!

It's a topic that not everyone is passionate about, but it's like a dentist appointment: it has to be done - and if not, it will hurt at some point! Many women still don't have the confidence to tackle finances and feel that they are not up to the task. Whether you're a business economist or an educator, you need to understand your finances and make decisions. So roll up your sleeves, dig through the investment options and don't give up until you understand everything.

TIP: If you want to take a closer look at your personal relationship with money , here is a book tip: "Take the money and enjoy it" by Petra Bock. 

Calculate your pension with the online calculator!

Calculate your pension easily with the online calculator from Deutsche Rentenversicherung and find out when you can retire: 

Online pension calculator

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