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Father with child
Parent & Child

"Fathers need role models in the company"

Volker Baisch is a pioneer. He went on parental leave for a year when other fathers were still barely thinking about it. That was over 15 years ago, but the topic of fathers has never left him. He is now Managing Director of Väter gGmbH, which works closely with the pme Familienservice .

pme: Mr. Baisch, you could say that fathers are your profession. How did that come about?

Volker Baisch: It all started when I went on parental leave in 2001 and wanted to find out how I could organize this time. I found nothing - apart from websites on the subject of separation. So I came up with the idea of setting up an Internet platform for fathers - This later became Väter gGmbH. We advise companies and provide them with specific offers for fathers in their company through the fathers' network. In the fathers' network, fathers can exchange ideas, for example about their experiences with parental leave or sabbaticals, and take advantage of events such as talks and workshops on parenting topics and father-child weekends.

pme: Where do fathers stand today?

Volker Baisch: When I took parental leave in 2001, I was still an exotic figure. That has changed. Fathers want to get involved and share parenting with mothers as partners. Unfortunately, most fathers still only take two months of parental leave, although many would like to have more time with their child. Often there is simply a lack of courage and role models in their own company.

pme: Is the world of work already prepared for committed fathers?

Volker Baisch: That wasn't the case when Väter gGmbH was founded. Many companies now want to make a change, but don't know where to start and how best to approach fathers. However, there are also sectors that are already far ahead, for example the IT sector. Even now, fathers only come to work there if there are work-life balance options for them. And that will increase in the future.

pme: What do employers gain from a father-friendly corporate culture? How can they support fathers?

Volker Baisch: Companies that support fathers have the most loyal employees and are perceived as modern and innovative on the job market. It is a well-known fact that the most productive employees are those who have a clear head. However, many employers don't realize that this doesn't just apply to mothers, but also to fathers.

An important approach to making a difference is communication. Employers should talk to expectant fathers - as well as mothers - about how they can continue their careers. Keywords: parental leave, reduced working hours, home office. Fathers should feel invited to discuss these topics with their superiors. It is also important to communicate a father-conscious and family-friendly HR policy in such a way that fathers can accept it and recognize its benefits.

pme: What are your wishes for the future?

Volker Baisch: I would like to see a public discussion about society's ideas of what men and women should do. Family working time, as called for by the Federal Minister for Family Affairs, Manuela Schwesig, is a step in the right direction. However, as long as fathers are trapped in their norms and corporate cultures and women are held back by spousal splitting, it will be difficult to distribute parental leave equally. Within companies, I would like to see the topic of fathers considered holistically and discussed more naturally.


About Volker Baisch

Volker Baisch is the founder and managing director of Väter gGmbH in Hamburg. Together with his team, he supports companies, organizations and fathers in finding solutions for balancing work and family life. In order to make it easier for men to have access to their children, he brings together male employees in companies, supports them in their role as fathers, connects them in internal company networks and advises on personnel development. He has received several awards for his innovative approach, advises politicians and think tanks alike and has been an Ashoka Fellow since 2007. He is married, has two daughters and lives with his family in Hamburg. More information at: or

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