Calendar of events

Everyday cooking course


We prepare simple and child-friendly dishes together. You will learn how easy it is to prepare different variations from a basic recipe. You will expand your recipe pool by exchanging ideas with other childminders. We will also talk about what makes a wholesome meal and how we can introduce the children to "new" foods.

Booking status: fully booked

Date: 14.05.25

Event days: 1

Time: 18:00 - 21:00

Format: Training/exchange

Venue: Munich

Address: pme Familienservice GmbH Munich branch, Theresienhöhe 13a, D-80339 Munich

Booking number: VA_92149

Application deadline: 30.04.25

Cost: 30 Euro

Speaker: Julia Kasten

Medium: Presence

Subject area: Childcare

Target groups: Caregivers

Notes: 4 units The training will take place online if required

Asset issuer

Events - Locations