Calendar of events

Little tantrums - What to do with toddlers' emotions?


When babies become toddlers, they soon realize that not everything always goes according to their wishes. They are not yet able to express themselves well and quickly become frustrated if they are not understood or misunderstood.

Little tantrums emerge, unable to deal with the feelings boiling over in their stomach and head - the defiant phase is extremely exhausting. An outlet is needed - and this is often a physical expression (biting, scratching, hitting, spitting, kicking, etc.).
This behavior is not "bad" and also not "good", "bad" or "wrong" - it is part of their development.

After a theoretical impulse, we work together in the group on ways of dealing with the anger of the little ones.

Optional individual coaching is included

Booking status: free

Date: 19.03.25 - 26.03.25

Event days: 2

Time: 13:00 - 14:30

Format: Group coaching

Venue: virtual

Address: We will send you the access data in good time before the start of the event.

Booking number: VA_95274

Application deadline: 19.03.25

Costs: free of charge

Speaker: Sabrina Kostyra, Johanna Gastreich

Medium: Internet

Subject area: Education

Target groups: Employees of the contractual partners

Notes: 2 dates over a period of two weeks on 19.03.2025 and 26.03.2025 incl. optional individual coaching

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