Calendar of events

Impulse: Life paths in old age: diverse, fulfilling and self-determined


Life in old age offers more possibilities than it seems at first glance. Whether it's communal living, travel or a creative lifestyle - the time after retirement can be fulfilling and individualized.
In this keynote speech, we will take a look at various options for life in old age. We will look at questions such as: What living models are available away from the traditional retirement home? How can you organize your retirement in a self-determined way? And what does it mean to make independent decisions even in difficult phases of life?
Find out how you can actively shape your retirement according to your wishes - for an old age full of opportunities and joie de vivre.


Booking status: free

Date: 27.10.25

Event days: 1

Time: 13:00 - 13:30

Format: Training/exchange

Venue: virtual

Booking number: VA_96961

Application deadline: 27.10.25

Costs: free of charge

Speaker: Jürgen Griesbeck

Medium: Internet

Topic area: Homecare eldercare/dependency and care needs

Target groups: Employees of the contractual partners, pme employees, caregivers, other interested parties

Notes: The webinar will be recorded and will be available to you afterwards including simultaneous translation: English

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Events - Locations