Calendar of events

Driving in old age - "I only drive short distances!"


The answer to this question is very complex and requires a great deal of sensitivity, as driving in old age is a highly emotional issue. It's not just about getting around, but also about self-determination and the feeling of being in control of your own life.

This group coaching session examines the different perspectives on driving in old age. You will receive tips on how to recognize that your parents can no longer drive safely and how best to address this topic together. With many case studies, you will be given an overview of how you can gradually approach a solution as well as various strategies to prevent driving completely.

There is also space for your individual questions and exchanges with each other.

Booking status: canceled

Date: 18.03.25

Event days: 1

Time: 16:30 - 19:30

Format: Group coaching

Venue: virtual

Address: We will send you the access data in good time before the start of the event.

Booking number: VA_97103

Application deadline: 14.03.25

Costs: free of charge

Speaker: Petra Wieschalla

Medium: Internet

Topic area: Homecare eldercare/dependency and care needs

Target groups: Employees of pme, employees of the contractual partners

Notes: Individual coaching is available afterwards. This interactive event will not be recorded.

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Events - Locations