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Coaching for managers
Strengthen your leadership skills
Executive coaching supports you with
Our quality promise
Coaching from manager to manager. |
Exclusive 24/7 hotline for managers. |
Over 30 years of expertise for women in leadership. |
Choose the coaching method that suits you.
Individual and group coaching
Mutual support, cross-departmental or cross-company exchange: group coaching sessions are the perfect exchange platform for managers from different companies - accompanied by the expertise of experienced business coaches who have leadership experience themselves.
In the individual coaching sessions, you have the opportunity to look at your issues individually and in depth with the help of a business coach.
Team coaching
Conflicts in the team, employee evaluation or management feedback: all members of a team work together in team coaching. The focus of team coaching is on providing impetus for further development and helping people to find their own solutions. The aim of team coaching is to improve the cooperation, motivation and performance of your team members in the long term.
Guaranteed practical relevance: our coaches were or are all managers themselves.
Online coaching
Business coaching yes, but without travel time, please? The advantage of online coaching is obvious: you are flexible and can be coached from anywhere.
Whether individual, team or group coaching: with the user-friendly online tool CAI , you can take part in all our coaching formats at any time and from any location.
Coaching on the job
Would you like a precise analysis of your appearance and your role as a manager? Our coaches will accompany you for one or more days in your working environment. You will receive constructive feedback on your leadership behavior in a detailed one-on-one performance review, which will be reflected on in more detail during the coaching session.
The aim of the coaching is to improve your leadership qualities and work processes.
Management workshop
Would you like to discuss a specific topic with other managers and benefit from the experience of other leaders? In our leadership workshop, you first exchange ideas with other managers in the group, accompanied by knowledge input from experienced business coaches.
Afterwards, two individual coaching sessions are available if you wish.
Work:Life Magazine

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Cleverly resolve conflicts in the team
- with leadership coaching.
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executive coaching pays off!
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