Group coaching
for teams and managers

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Moderated group meetings

Experience the transformative power of facilitated group coaching and achieve your goals.

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Space for your own concerns

Find answers to your challenges in an inspiring coaching setting.

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Mini-input from coaches

Get valuable input from experienced coaches and boost your personal development.
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Peer Learning

Benefit from valuable exchanges of experience in a supportive group atmosphere through peer learning.
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Appointment-based individual coaching sessions

Deepen your analysis in an individual coaching session and achieve lasting changes for yourself. 

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Blended learning

Take advantage of the optimal combination of a flexible online learning environment and live coaching sessions.
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Supplemented by our EAP offers

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Virtual formats, maximum flexibility

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Short-term appointments

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Leadership coaching

The exchange in the group enables managers to develop solutions to personal challenges. They receive valuable feedback and further develop their leadership skills.

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Professional supervision enables managers to improve their leadership behavior, identify their own blind spots and optimize their decision-making processes.

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Team coaching

Team coaching improves teamwork and communication in the long term by revealing the strengths and weaknesses of team members, resolving conflicts and helping to develop common goals and strategies.

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Group coaching

Participants benefit from a wide range of topics. In the process of group coaching, the participants contribute very different perspectives, which is enriching for the development of all those involved.

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Individual coaching

The supplementary individual coaching enables participants to discuss individual topics in even greater depth, develop personal development potential and find customized solutions for their professional and private goals.

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Calendar of events

10:30 - 12:00
Group coaching
Get ideas on what your own individual path to overcoming your self-doubt could look like.
13:00 - 14:30
Group coaching
In this group coaching session, we look at why toddlers become tantrums and how we as parents can deal with them.
15:30 - 17:00
Group coaching
How can we get through life in a more mindful and stress-free way? In this group coaching session, we talk about specific tips for a more conscious everyday life
10:00 - 11:30
Group coaching
Use our mindfulness training mat once a month in a playful way that is suitable for everyday use
12:00 - 13:30
Group coaching
We would like to encourage you to discuss how you can deal with children's disputes and how you as parents can maintain your composure even in the event of an ongoing dispute.

Let us know when you have time. We will be happy to advise you!

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Supervision for managers

Your managers bear a great deal of responsibility and are key performers for your company. In supervision, we offer them a space to clarify personal challenges in their day-to-day work and to receive solution-oriented impulses.
Accompanied by experienced coaches, they exchange ideas with other managers. Supervision provides uncomplicated support and a joint search for solutions in a collegial atmosphere.

LINC test: Understand yourself better

The LINC Personality Profiler Test provides you with important information about your motives, skills and abilities. In our group coaching sessions, we introduce you to the structure and benefits of the test, provide you with well-founded answers and enable you to take part in a LINC test procedure.
This is followed by an individual discussion with a coach so that you can make the most of the knowledge you have gained and optimize your career path. Know yourself better, improve your interactions with others and develop your personality.

Women in leadership

Discover a new perspective on female leadership in our group coaching. Learn how you can be successful without copying male behavior. This group coaching is aimed at women who want to do away with traditional clichés and behavioral attributions, who want to reach out to each other and share their wealth of experience - with the clear goal of being self-confident and naturally successful.

Virtual discussion group for family caregivers

Caring for a relative alongside your own professional activity is an immense challenge. The discussion group offers a space for those affected to support each other, experience understanding and have a valuable exchange.
Our experienced coaches accompany the discussions and provide support in reflecting on individual concerns. The coaching serves to develop strategies that enable a balance between care responsibilities and personal well-being.

Support and stability for mentally stressed employees

In this group coaching, employees under severe psychological stress are given a space to find support and stability. New paths are explored, solutions are actively pursued and valuable experiences of other participants are utilized. Additional opportunities are offered through the use of the Mindance app.
The moderated meetings are led by Cornelia Möllers, an experienced systemic consultant and family therapist, and Dr. Udo Wortelboer, a specialist in psychiatry and psychotherapy. Benefit from this specialist knowledge and receive support to promote your mental health at work and in everyday life.

Emotional eating - when food doesn't fill you up

In our fast-paced world, many people have lost touch with their body and their eating behavior. At this event, you will learn how emotions and eating behavior are connected. Our experts Giannina Schmelling (ecotrophologist and certified nutritionist) and Antonia Fuß (psychologist and systemic counselor) will give you tips for healthy eating habits in everyday life.
Learn to listen to your body's needs and find long-term solutions for dealing with stress, boredom and other emotions.

Write to us! We will be happy to advise you on our group coaching offers.

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